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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, with her new book, Elemental Abundance, Iona Russell shares the 4 keys to unlocking your full hearted life through the four elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

Iona Russell
Positive Psychology Master Coach and Intuitive Breakthrough Coach Iona Russel from Edinburgh has become a best selling author after her newly released book, Elemental Abundance, hit the charts beating Googlebox vicar Kate Bottley and Hungarian-Canadian Physician and Author, Gabor Maté CM. Now sitting in the Number 1 slot in applied psychology, women’s spirituality and personal transformation, Iona has also attracted the support from none other than magician, television personality, and self-proclaimed psychic, Uri Geller.
In a video message of support from Israel, Uri Geller congratulated Iona for creating Elemental Abundance, describing it as a book that “will change people’s lives” and called it “fantastic – informative, mind opening, amazing”.
I return to nature for support, release, inspiration and connection and in this book I share my journey, and tools. Having written every word, and also recorded the audio version it has my energy interwoven into it from all angles. I’m delighted it has been so well received already as my heart and soul is poured into here, as part of my mission to get people to really show up with their heart, so they can tap into the thing they are here to do. I have said yes to a lot to make this book happen, and indeed to create a life I love to live and I want more people to say yes to their potential, and opportunities. Sharing your voice authentically, and doing the work you want to see done in the world attracts fabulous opportunities – but we will also need to do some of the scary asks to create these infinite possibilities.
-Iona Russell

Elemental Abundance
In Elemental Abundance, Iona shares the 4 keys to unlocking your full hearted life through the four elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, explaining how balancing these elements and integrating them into the way we live opens up ‘pure abundance’.
A self described nature junkie, Iona grew up a hippie child in the free spirited 1970’s on a Welsh farm with Buddhist parents, Now, it’s back to nature that she has returned, finding her true connection to herself in later life. In the introduction to Elemental Abundance, Iona shares her story from childhood where, surrounded by movie stars and ‘mountain men’, her wild child tendencies with drink, psychedelic drugs, and eating disorders as a teenager created the chaotic life of a broken family, which left her feeling worthless, and suicidal.
To find her purpose, she travelled the world, finding adventures to mask her pain. There, she found spirituality, and eventually happiness, leaving America to return to Scotland as a single mother, fuelled by the grief of losing her own mother. It is in her lived experience, served up for us to learn from, that Iona enlightens us with her reflections and teachings whilst inviting her readers to also reflect on their own lives.
For many years I felt like an outsider, different, unusual, like I couldn’t’ find my place in the world, or understand why I was here – and the heaviness of this was all encompassing – until I realised I was the one in control of my own path. I realised this was my magic, this is what made me ME.
-Iona Russell
5 Tips To Tune Into Your Day To Day Life
1. Get mindful of what you are paying attention to with your thoughts.
We have 80,000 thoughts a day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. Take a second to consider what thoughts have dominated your thinking time so far today. What concerns, plans, presumptions, apprehensions, expectations, hopes, or judgements have been present in your mind? Thoughts become things. And so it’s vitally important that we become aware of where we’re placing our attention.
2. Tune into your intuition.
Reflect on a time when you know you ignored your intuition and notice how that felt in your body, feel the sensations of knowing … and then ignoring them. Notice how different that feels to when you know something and act on it
3. Include restorative practices in your daily life.
Make a list of what you find restorative. e.g. breath work, shake it off and dance, an afternoon siesta, singing, reading, walking. It’s your list. There are no rules.
4. Connect with gratitude.
Set an alarm for 11:11 every day and look back over the last 24 hours and notice any miracles, moments of gratitude, and intuitive hits you had. Make a note of them on your phone for ease, or a journal if this is convenient. Make sure that you do this no matter what else is going on, for 60 seconds.
5. Pay attention to repeated messages in songs and any images or symbols you see often.
Keep a note of what they come to. For example, when I see butterflies I know it’s my mum confirming something to me. Or when I’m told a number of times by different sources to read a book or checkout a recommended course, I pay attention. Or perhaps a location just keeps coming into your awareness? It’s up to you to follow the breadcrumbs.
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