Categories: Fiction

With A Rucksack Full Of Money And A Kill List, 2,600 Feet Per Second By Nick Love Is A Heart-Pumping Action Filled Thriller

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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, in 2,600 Feet Per Second by Nick Love, ex-Royal Marine sniper Chris ‘Laser’ Beem finds a rucksack filled with cash, a handgun and a six-photo kill list, as a vengeful enemy has come back to haunt him.

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Fast and furious thriller, 2,600 Feet Per Second by Nick Love, sees ex-army sniper Chris Beem reacquainted with the fallout of actions that happened almost forty years prior in the Falklands War.

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Now a web designer, Chris Beem has a happy, comfortable life in Lincoln with his wife and daughter. However, on his morning run, his life is quickly turned upside down, and his former life as a military sniper comes back to haunt him, when he comes across a rucksack full of money. A mysterious, vengeful enemy is bent on destroying Chris’ life, leaving him, along with the money, photos of six regular, unconnected people, and a list – the Kill List.

Can Chris keep up with the demands of this invisible, unhinged revenant from his past? Even better, can he beat her at her own game? With the stakes higher than ever, Chris “Laser” Beem must step back into his long-forgotten past, enlist the help of some old friends, and do whatever it takes to save his family and get his life back – even if it means murder.

2,600 Feet Per Second is an impressive tale of revenge as Nick Love uses everything he learnt and experienced during his ten years serving in the Royal Marines to full and dramatic effect. A page turner for all, this novel’s short sentences and compact chapters, also make it a standout literary choice for fellow dyslexia sufferers.

Nick Love

Nick Love

After retiring from a management consulting role he had performed for 33 years, Nick Love became a full time author. Prior to that Nick spent 10 years in the Royal Marines servicing in 42 Commando at Bickley Barracks (during the Falkland’s war) and working at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines in Lympstone.

Nick believed his lifelong appetite to write would not be possible due to his almost debilitating dyslexia until, in 2008 whilst training for the London Marathon, a story formed in his head and stuck there. Slowly he started to capture the mental images created during those long and lonely runs until he eventually finished the novel. With the help of ‘Jericho Writers’ who had it professionally edited, the book has now been professionally published by Olympia Publishers.

Find more from Nick Love now:



It is also available to purchase at WH Smith, Waterstones, and Barnes & Noble.

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