Real Life

The Table Read Editor Is Living A Life Without Limits

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On The Table Read, “the best creativity magazine in the UK“, JJ Barnes has been featured in Life Without Limits Magazine, created by Dino Miliotis, to talk about her life and the running of The Table Read.

Life Without Limits

Launching in July 2022, Life Without Limits Magazine was created by entrepreneur Dino Miliotis, inspired to share the inspirational success stories with readers to help encourage them to live a life without limits.

“Life Without Limits Magazine is Where Ordinary Meets Extraordinary. It’s an exciting time to be alive and spread the message of hope. I think now, more than ever, people need hope.

Beginning with our debut issue, we embark on an exciting journey of introducing you to people doing extraordinary things as well as shining a light on missions and businesses with purpose from all parts of the world.

Each of us has a unique story to tell, and we are here to tell it. As you scroll through the stories, my hope is that you will be inspired and motivated to live your own dream and life without limits.”

Dino Miliotis
There Is No Box by Dino Miliotis

The Table Read

Dino Miliotis has a long standing relationship with The Table Read, sharing the story of his book, There Is No Box, with our readers back in August 2021 as one of our first featured author interviews. Because of this, Dino reached out to JJ Barnes, editor of The Table Read, to see if she would share her story with his own readers.

Writer Eleni Daniels talked to JJ about her life, her work at Siren Stories, what inspired her to create The Table Read, and the work that goes into running the platform.

JJ Barnes

JJ told Eleni about becoming a single mother to her daughter, Rose, when she was just one year old and how that inspired her to follow her dreams and achieve her goals.

“Meet JJ Barnes, the multi-talented author, filmmaker, YouTuber, and singer. Today this 36-year-old mom of two girls is delightfully surprised by how things have taken off in her life. She was a single stay-at-home mom up until a few years ago and practically had given up on her writing and her dreams. She wanted to write a book but couldn’t get anyone to consider her work, let alone publish it.

Barnes became quickly frustrated with all the rejection and all the loopholes surrounding who gets the media attention and why. Most of all, she wanted to be a positive role model for her daughters like her own mother was for her growing up. So she started blogging.”

Eleni Daniels

Running The Table Read

JJ talked about the process of running The Table Read, how she fits it in around raising her children, and the pressure she experiences to make sure those featured on the platform get the attention they deserve.

How do you set up the interview process with so many creative minds that reach out to you?

I do about 100 articles a month on average. I send them questions in advance and they answer them. Really, I have to do that with the combination of my kids and the timing otherwise it’s very hard to do this. And it does mean that I can organize it a lot better. When I first started a year ago, I was like, okay, so I’ll combine my writing because I used to have a writer’s advice blog. And every so often, I thought I would have somebody who’s interested in doing an interview. But it’s insane now. Some days I’ll get like 100 emails.

It’s a lot of pressure, isn’t it?

It is a lot of pressure. And, I value these people. I care about their work; I care about them. And I want them to feel like their experience with what we’re doing is beneficial to them and positive. I don’t want them coming away from it thinking, “Oh… it’s a disappointment and I have not benefited at all, this was a waste of my time…” I want to give them the feeling that it was worth it and good. But they won’t if I’m not promoting their stuff.

Find more now!

Read the full interview with JJ Barnes on Life Without Limits Magazine to learn about The Table Read, Siren Stories, and JJ’s life beyond her work.


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JJ Barnes on social media









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