The Ocean Inside Me By R.G. Shore Recounts Healing Racial Trauma In Prison on The Table Read MagazineThe Ocean Inside Me By R.G. Shore Recounts Healing Racial Trauma In Prison

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The Ocean Inside Me By R.G. Shore Recounts Healing Racial Trauma In Prison, On The Table Read Magazine, “the best entertainment eBook magazine UK“, spiritual memoir, The Ocean Inside Me by R.G. Shore, retraces the nearly three years he spent as a person of color in an almost all-white prison.

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The Ocean Inside Me

In the stark, white-dominated prison of the Pacific Northwest, R.G. Shore, a person of color, finds solace in the static hiss of his cheap headphones. The cacophony of racist vitriol and violent threats from his 500 white cellmates is drowned out by the soothing white noise. It’s his escape, a refuge from the harsh realities of his incarceration.

The Ocean Inside Me by R.G. Shore on The Table Read Magazine
The Ocean Inside Me by R.G. Shore

Shore’s unforgettable memoir, The Ocean Inside Me, chronicles his nearly three-year ordeal. Amidst the brutality and prejudice, he discovers a profound connection to himself through meditation. By delving into his own body, confronting his shadow, and addressing the traumas of his past, he finds a sanctuary within.

With time as his only companion, Shore learns to embrace his brown body, the source of his deepest pain. The static noise from his radio becomes a conduit to a transcendent realm, connecting him to nature and healing through the element of water.

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In The Ocean Inside Me, readers are invited into Shore’s spiritual journey. As he weaves together his meditative practices, prison experiences, and insights on social justice, he becomes an advocate for the very men who once oppressed him.

Driven by a desire to help others, Shore shares his story as a testament to the power of healing and resilience. Witnessing his transformation from victim to victor, readers are challenged to examine their own spiritual frameworks and the systemic injustices that perpetuate suffering.

R.G. Shore

As a person of color who is now formerly incarcerated, I’m marginalized in more ways than one. At my lowest points in prison, I discovered a way to confront and heal those underlying effects of racial trauma through meditation, and it’s my hope that people of all backgrounds can get something from reading through that experience.

The spiritual journey involves the shadow as much as it involves the light. When we are willing to go down deep into the shadows of our wounds, we gain access to the deepest waters of our own heart.

-R.G. Shore

R.G. Shore on The Table Read Magazine
R.G. Shore

R.G. Shore, an award-winning author and spiritual counselor, is dedicated to healing racial and spiritual trauma. As the founder of Northwest Wisdom, a nonprofit organization in the Pacific Northwest, he offers meditation, Reiki, yoga, and energy healing to individuals seeking transformation. His memoir, The Ocean Inside Me, chronicles his personal journey of healing and resilience after incarceration.

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A formerly incarcerated person of color, Shore is committed to shedding light on the injustices of the American prison system and advocating for social change. Through his work, he aims to empower others to overcome adversity and find their own path to healing.

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