The Millionaire Marriage – Podcaster Interview with Taylor Kovar

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Written by JJ Barnes

I interviewed podcaster Taylor Kovar about his career, what inspired him to start his podcast, The Millionaire Marriage, and what he hopes to accomplish through podcasting.

Tell me a bit about who you are.

Taylor Kovar

My name is Taylor Kovar, I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Megan, for 14 years, and together we have 3 kiddos. Kix, Kambry, and Kessly! I am a Certified Financial Planner at my boutique investment firm, Kovar Wealth Management in Lufkin, Texas. We lead a newlywed class at our church, which lead to the desire we both share for helping marriages that are hurting. Megan and I own an organization called The Money Couple where we combine my financial background and our own marital struggles with the goal of helping lower the rate of divorce.

How and why did you start podcasting?

I’m big on the whole “If you see a need, meet the need.” And during our financial planning meetings, it kept coming back to the root cause: marital issues. These couples were struggling in their relationships and therefore struggling in their finances, or vice versa. I teamed up with my friend, Jeremy Gilliam, who is a marriage and family therapist and we said “Let’s start a podcast where we talk about the things that no one else wants to talk about, but that someone HAS to talk about.” And The Millionaire Marriage podcast was born!

What is your current podcast called, and how did you come up with the name?

The Millionaire Marriage. We wanted a name that encompassed what we were trying to accomplish. Which was to talk about the untalked about, bring up the big issues and really dive into the solution. It just made sense that since my background was in finance, and Jeremy’s background in marriage therapy, that we would be The Millionaire Marriage and inspire people to find the wealth in their marriage.

What platforms can we find The Millionaire Marriage on?

We are on almost all podcast streaming platforms, but the most popular being Apple, Spotify, Google, Youtube, and iHeart Radio!

What is The Millionaire Marriage about?

The Millionaire Marriage Podcast combines financial and marriage expertise to help couples around the world. Our job is to get down to the nitty-gritty—the real problems that people don’t like talking about, or even avoid altogether. Our goal is to dive deep into discovering the real secret to a thriving relationship.

Do you host The Millionaire Marriage alone, or have guest hosts/partners?

I host the show alongside Jeremy Gilliam, marriage and family therapist.

Do you edit The Millionaire Marriage or have someone who does it for you?

We have an in house media team that films and edits the show for us.

Do you script The Millionaire Marriage, or just chat as you go?

Definitely just chat as we go. We always have some sort of show notes so that we stay on track and bring up the points we want to bring up, but there is definitely no script in sight. You never really know what we will say!

How has The Millionaire Marriage changed or developed since you began?

We’re just now halfway through filming season 2, but season 1 was a great opportunity for us to find out what works and what doesn’t work.

The Millionaire Marriage Podcast

What are you biggest challenges with The Millionaire Marriage?

Right now, scheduling. Jeremy and I both have our own individual careers and families, so it can be difficult to find the time to record but we somehow make it work. We also had some audio issues in the beginning of the first season, so that was great practice to make sure that season 2 sounds seamless.

What are your favourite podcasts to listen to?

My wife and I love the “Dear Young Married Couple” podcast.

How and where do you promote The Millionaire Marriage?

A lot of our podcast promotion so far has been on social media but word of mouth has really been what has gained the most traction. We’re both really active in our church and community, so our community has been extremely supportive of our show.

Do you earn money from The Millionaire Marriage, or is it a hobby?

The goal is to be able to gain sponsorships and monetization but right now we are just enjoying creating content that could potentially help a hurting marriage. The testimonies that we have received so far has definitely been confirmation that we are in the right place.

What’s something you never expected about podcasting? What have you learned that surprised you?

I think when any person first starts out, they have this underlying fear that no one will listen to their podcast. I think Jeremy and I were both pleasantly surprised when we started getting comments from the people we know saying how much they enjoy listening. It’s a strange feeling because obviously you start a podcast with the hopes that people will listen, but when they actually ARE listening and seem to be enjoying the content you’re producing, it’s always a super humbling experience.

What is the first piece of advice you would give to anyone inspired to start podcasting?

Just go for it! I have a saying around the office, and it’s simply this: “Run with it!” Don’t be afraid. Dive in head first. There are so many resources out there that can help you get started and learn as you go. You don’t have to wait until you have the most expensive equipment, you don’t have to wait until you have a million followers on social media, all you need to do is have a solution to someones problem. Although we don’t claim to know it all, our #1 goal is to provide our listeners with the tools and resources they need to start investing in their marriages. Find something that you are passionate about and share it with the world. You won’t regret it!

And, finally, are you proud of what you’re accomplishing with your podcast? Is it worth the effort?

I think I speak for both Jeremy and myself when I say that we are both really honored to have received some of the feedback that our listeners have given. Even if we think “Ehh, this episode could’ve been better. I could’ve said so much more. I could’ve said this differently.” We have to remember that not every episode is going to be absolutely perfect, but we’re firm believers that the people who are supposed to hear those episodes, will. Not every episode is going to fit every person or every marriage, but every episode will hopefully reach at least one person who needed it, and that makes it all completely worth it.

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