writing structure

5 Things To Consider Before Becoming An Author

Written by Tunji Olujimi www.acceleratedauthorsacademy.com/about/ If you have an idea to start writing a book, then you know it may…

3 years ago

How To Write A Successful Protagonist Partnership

On The Table Read, "The Best Book Reader Magazine in the UK", author JJ Barnes describes what a Protagonist Partnership…

4 years ago

Top Reasons Why Side Adventures Make Your Audience Stop Caring

Keeping your audience caring about this story, these characters, is essential. It means they'll finish this story, then trust you…

4 years ago

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Write An Expert Protagonist

Your Protagonist is the main person in your story. You will spend the majority of the time riding on their…

4 years ago

How To Write Cosmic Narcissism

The belief that in a Universe so huge, so vast and undiscovered, that some huge power would choose to change…

4 years ago

How To Tell Your Audience What Your Story Is About

When your audience comes to your story, whether reading or watching, they won't necessarily know what your story is about.…

4 years ago

How To Plan Your Story Effectively

When you come up with an initial idea for a story, it can be very exciting. Perhaps you've invented a…

4 years ago

How To Write Your Protagonist Transition From Passive To Active

The Protagonist of your story is the main character. You join them at the beginning of the story, and ride…

4 years ago

How To Write The First In A Series

A series of books is a good way to bring in an audience, and then keep them around. If they…

4 years ago

How To Write The Internal Conflict Of What Your Character Wants Vs Needs

Your Protagonist needs to be motivated throughout your story. They want something, they go after it, and your story follows…

5 years ago

Why Your Story Needs Foreshadowing And How To Write It

Foreshadowing is the technique of hinting to your audience where your story is going, without actually telling them. It works…

5 years ago

How And Why We Need To Write Character Weaknesses

Your Protagonist has to have strengths to make them worthy of being your Protagonist. You're telling a story about them…

5 years ago

How To Write Chapter One

I'll be talking through things you need to include to write Chapter One of your book, and hopefully leaving you…

5 years ago

How To Keep Your Story Moving Forwards

The rate at which your plot moves forwards is referred to as the "pace" of your story. If your story…

5 years ago

How To Blur The Lines Between Good And Evil

Blurring the lines between good and evil will make your characters developed and complex, and your story more interesting.

5 years ago