Writing Advice from Writers

Why Schools Make A Perfect Story Setting – Video

On YouTube, JJ Barnes talks about why schools are such a frequently occurring story setting, and how to write a…

3 years ago

Who Are You Writing For? – Video

On YouTube, JJ Barnes asks who are you writing for? She explores the differences between writing for yourself and writing…

3 years ago

Why Dwight Shcrute Is A Perfect Character – Video

On YouTube, JJ Barnes talks about the writing of Dwight Schrute in The US Office, and what we can learn…

3 years ago

How To Write Emotional Scars – Video

On the Siren Stories YouTube Channel, JJ Barnes talks about how to write emotional scars and why they will benefit…

3 years ago

Five Ways Authors Benefit from Meditation

Written by Tom Evans https://www.tomevans.co/ I started meditating in my mid-40s after someone told me I looked stressed out and…

3 years ago

How To Write In A Three Act Structure – Video

Written by JJ Barnes www.jjbarnes.co.uk On the Siren Stories YouTube Channel, JJ Barnes presents The Table Read creative writing advice series. In…

3 years ago

The Questions You Need To Ask When Developing Your Story

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes offers writing advice for authors, suggestions questions you need to ask in the development…

3 years ago

Author Interview – Valerie Keogh – The Lies He Told

Written by JJ Barnes www.jjbarnes.co.uk I was delighted to interview the thriller writer Valerie Keogh. She discusses her prolific writing…

3 years ago

Characterisation Lessons In The US Office

On The Table Read, "The Best Book Reader Magazine in UK", JJ Barnes writes about the writing in The US…

3 years ago

5 Things To Consider Before Becoming An Author

Written by Tunji Olujimi www.acceleratedauthorsacademy.com/about/ If you have an idea to start writing a book, then you know it may…

3 years ago

How To Write A Boring Scene In An Interesting Way

Written by JJ Barnes www.jjbarnes.co.uk Naturally you want your story to be interesting. If your story is boring, you'll lose…

3 years ago

How To Find Confidence In Your Narrator’s Voice

JJ Barnes explores the narrator's voice in different stories, and how to replicate that style with confidence in your own…

3 years ago

Agatha Harkness And Writing The Perfect Villain Turn

JJ Barnes explores how Agatha Harkness in WandaVision is given the perfect villain turn, and writing techniques to recreate the…

3 years ago

How To Write Personality Quirks – Video

JJ Barnes on YouTube teaches you about personality quirks, how to write them, and what they will do for your…

3 years ago

Author Interview – Martha Dunlop – Wild Shadow

On The Table Read, author of Wild Shadow, Martha Dunlop, shares experiences from her career, and her writing process for…

3 years ago