writing a film

Can We Make The World A Better Place By Exploring Social Issues In Our Stories?

Stories are powerful, and I truly believe that stories have the power to change the world. With stories we can…

4 years ago

Is It More Important To Write For Yourself Or Your Audience?

Assuming you're writing commercial fiction designed to sell, rather than just a personal project never intended to be read by…

4 years ago

How To Write Plot Twists

A plot twist is a sudden change in your story that your audience don't see coming, such as a reveal…

4 years ago

How To Successfully Write Death And Resurrection

The resurrection of characters that have died can be a dramatic game changer that enhances your story, however, if used…

4 years ago

How To Write Characters Transitioning From Enemies To Friends Or Lovers

Characters that start out as enemies, and through the course of the story turn into friends or lovers is quite…

4 years ago

Top Reasons Why A Cliffhanger Ending Will Ruin Your Series

If you are planning a series of books or films, then you need to write the first one in a…

4 years ago

How To Make Your Audience Cry

If you are writing something absolutely devastating in your story, such as a heartbreak or death scene, it's natural as…

4 years ago

Make Your Character Motivation Understandable So Your Story Makes Sense

I've written before about how your Protagonist and your Antagonist both have to be motivated to go after what it…

4 years ago

How To Write Characters Learning Information

If in your story you have a character that needs to learn a piece of information that is crucial to…

4 years ago

Why Too Much Flowery Language Will Slow Your Story Down

If you want to tell a story that focuses on plot and character, such as love story, action adventure, or…

4 years ago

How To Write Natural Dialogue

When you're writing dialogue in your story, try and make sure it reads like people actually speak, rather than reading…

4 years ago

How To Write Character Backstory

Your character's back story is their history and life prior to your jumping in point for this story. I'm going…

4 years ago

Top Reasons You Need To Kill Main Characters

If you're writing a book or script where there is risk or peril, and you want your audience to believe…

4 years ago

Motivating Villains And Why It Makes Your Story Better

When you're writing a story, it's obviously important to make sure your Protagonist is well motivated. However, if your Antagonist…

4 years ago

How To Write Character Flaws And Why It Improves Your Story

When you write a story, quite often you'll find that you will write your Protagonist to be an essentially "perfect"…

4 years ago