Writer Mum

How To Write Characters Transitioning From Enemies To Friends Or Lovers

Characters that start out as enemies, and through the course of the story turn into friends or lovers is quite…

4 years ago

How To Write Narrative Triplets In The Style Of Serenity

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes discusses the film Serenity and the writing advice we can take from it for…

5 years ago

How To Write Set Up And Pay Off In The Style Of Die Hard

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes writes about Die Hard, and what writing advice we can take about set up…

5 years ago

How To Write Flashbacks

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes explores the techniques you can use to write flashbacks into your story, and the…

5 years ago

Pantsing Vs Plotting – A Guide to The Writing Techniques

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes writes about pantsing and plotting, the difference between the to writing techniques, and the…

5 years ago

How To Write Your Midpoint

Your first act is setting up what they want, the second act is where they start to pursue it, and…

5 years ago

How to write in a three act structure – SPOILERS – Die Hard

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes gives writing advice about story structure in the film Die Hard and how we…

5 years ago

How to write Narrative Triplets – Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse

To explain how and why you use Narrative Triplets in your writing, I am referencing the film Spider-Man Into The…

5 years ago

How to use an Unreliable Narrator – writing advice featuring The Girl On The Train

Most of the time when you go into reading a book or watching a film, there will be a person…

5 years ago