
How Foreshadowing Built To The Plot Twist In Fight ClubHow Foreshadowing Built To The Plot Twist In Fight Club

How Foreshadowing Built To The Plot Twist In Fight Club

One of the best examples of foreshadowing to build to a plot twist is in the 1999 film, Fight Club.…

4 years ago
How To Use The Advice Of Write Drunk And Edit SoberHow To Use The Advice Of Write Drunk And Edit Sober

How To Use The Advice Of Write Drunk And Edit Sober

If you've been exploring different kinds of writing advice, you'll no doubt have come across the advice to write drunk…

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How To Start A Story

When you first start writing your story, and you're introducing your characters, it can be easy to feel stalled. There…

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How To Write The First In A Series

A series of books is a good way to bring in an audience, and then keep them around. If they…

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How To Write The Internal Conflict Of What Your Character Wants Vs NeedsHow To Write The Internal Conflict Of What Your Character Wants Vs Needs

How To Write The Internal Conflict Of What Your Character Wants Vs Needs

Your Protagonist needs to be motivated throughout your story. They want something, they go after it, and your story follows…

5 years ago
Why Your Story Needs Foreshadowing And How To Write ItWhy Your Story Needs Foreshadowing And How To Write It

Why Your Story Needs Foreshadowing And How To Write It

Foreshadowing is the technique of hinting to your audience where your story is going, without actually telling them. It works…

5 years ago
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Reasons To Make Your Antagonist Stronger Than Your Protagonist

When you're planning your story, one of the first jobs is to establish who your Protagonist and Antagonist are. Your…

5 years ago
Reasons Why High Stakes Will Make Your Audience Love Your StoryReasons Why High Stakes Will Make Your Audience Love Your Story

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5 years ago
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How To Blur The Lines Between Good And Evil

Blurring the lines between good and evil will make your characters developed and complex, and your story more interesting.

5 years ago
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How To Write Likeable Characters

Your Protagonist, the main character, of your story usually need to be likeable. I say usually, because having a Protagonist…

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Why I Love To Write Books

I love to read, and now I'm in the privileged position that my job is to write. I love everything…

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Top Reasons To Stop Writing Gender Stereotypes Into Your Story Now

I've written before about how powerful fiction is, and how we can use our stories to do good in the…

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How To Write An Interesting Story Without Writing Info Dumps

Sometimes as part of your story, you'll have information that needs to be delivered in order for the story to…

5 years ago
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How To Successfully Write Death And Resurrection

The resurrection of characters that have died can be a dramatic game changer that enhances your story, however, if used…

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How To Write Characters Transitioning From Enemies To Friends Or Lovers

Characters that start out as enemies, and through the course of the story turn into friends or lovers is quite…

5 years ago