Fantasy writer

How To Track Your Continuity

Your story "continuity" is making sure that from one scene to another, nothing changes about the people or the environment…

4 years ago

How To Successfully Write Death And Resurrection

The resurrection of characters that have died can be a dramatic game changer that enhances your story, however, if used…

4 years ago

How To Make An Unbelievable Story Believable

If you are writing in the fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, or sci-fi genres, you're going to be writing scenarios for…

5 years ago

Why You Should Know And Understand Your Genre

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes writes about why it is important for authors and filmmakers to know and understand…

5 years ago

Pantsing Vs Plotting – A Guide to The Writing Techniques

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes writes about pantsing and plotting, the difference between the to writing techniques, and the…

5 years ago

Why Too Much Description Can Make Your Story Boring

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes gives writing advice for how much description to use in your story to keep…

5 years ago

Top Reasons To Write The Death Of A Mentor

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes writes about the death of a mentor, what it does for character development, and…

5 years ago

How To Write Your Midpoint

Your first act is setting up what they want, the second act is where they start to pursue it, and…

5 years ago

How to be inspired by other writers without losing your own voice

On The Table Read, JJ Barnes explores how to use the writing of others to inspire your own work.

5 years ago

How to write Narrative Triplets – Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse

To explain how and why you use Narrative Triplets in your writing, I am referencing the film Spider-Man Into The…

5 years ago

How To Take Characters From Our World Into A Magical World

Taking your characters from the mundane to the magical, a technique used in most fantasy stories, when you take your…

5 years ago