Secrets Of The Rainbow Bridge By Jonah, Olivia And Douglas Rosestone Captures The Imagination With Mysticism And Celtic Lore

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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge: The Fire of Ionracas by Jonah, Olivia And Douglas Rosestone is set in a fantasy realm inhabited by Baudwin, a water Faery, who must learn to embrace his natural environment.

Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge: The Fire of Ionracas

Olivia and Douglas Rosestone wrote Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge: The Fire of Ionracas with their son Jonah. A mystical rollercoaster of a read, it is the first book in a planned fantasy series providing an opportunity to escape life’s affinity with violence, miscreants and modern-day mayhem.

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Baudwin a two hundred year old water Faery has spent his entire life wondering where his mother vanished to after a time of great travail and upheaval in his realm, and without her, he was never joined to his current to live as he should – at one with the Water. Determined to lift his grandson’s spirits, his grandfather, Seamus, encourages him to have the Water come to him, a ridiculous prospect for a water Faery not joined to his current.

After decades of trials, and defying all expectations, the Water finally does come to Baudwin, leading him down an unexpected path that unfolds into an epic adventure. On his journey, he makes a myriad of discoveries filled with elven inventions, ancient wonders, and a being who seeks to shape his destiny through the most compassionate and terrifying means possible.

Crafted with serious intent to act as a beacon to readers who wish for a tranquil haven to dwell in a time that is becoming ever more dangerous, this mythic-storybook style tale, Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge: Book One, is filled with numerous references to Celtic culture, all set in a finely detailed and well bounded fantasy realm. Offering an alternative version of Tír na nÓg (meaning ‘land of the young’ and one of Irish mythology’s names for the ‘otherworld’), Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge is a guaranteed page-turner and one that will delight all fans of fantasy and steampunk.

The Family Rosestone

We wrote Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge as we wanted to write a myth that contained a lesson about virtue that would enrich the lives of our readers. We feel that there is a line between revealing the darker side of human nature and wallowing in the shadow, and that a great deal of popular fiction blurs that line. People enjoy being uplifted, so why bog them down with homicidal drama? The saying goes: dying is easy and comedy is hard. We say, homicide is easy, and wonder is hard.

-The Family Rosestone

Olivia Rosestone

Born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1952, Olivia Rosestone grew up studying ballet, jazz, tap and modern dance, training at the Washington School of Ballet, and with Martha Graham in New York City. In 1974, she moved to California, got married and had three children, while continuing to with years of creative study in Renaissance painting, Italian bel canto singing, and popular song writing.

For the past 20 years, she has studied archetypal psychology along with her husband, Douglas. Together, they built a life coaching practice, using a variety of tools and skills that they created to help individuals and couples reach their potential.

Douglas Rosestone

Douglas Rosestone was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1946. At 19, he hopped a Yugoslavian freighter before jumping ship in Casa Blanca. While traveling in Europe he discovered the work of Joseph Campbell which sparked a lifelong interest in mythology. After meeting J. Krishnamurti, who suggested that he go to India to study yoga, he spent seven years immersing himself in yoga practice and the study of Eastern philosophy.

Following his return to the United States, he spent several years teaching yoga before becaming an entrepreneur, which allowed him to retire before he turned 40.

Early retirement allowed him to return to his first love – the study of human consciousness and mythology. After turning his attention to archetypal psychology, Douglas and his wife, Olivia started a life coaching practice, and have been working with individuals and couples for the past twenty years.

Jonah Rosestone

Born in San Rafael, California in 1982, Jonah Rosestone spent his childhood reading fantasy books, comics, and playing video games. When his fifth grade teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said, “a writer.” However, realizing his dream would not be a straightforward path. Unsure of his ability to support himself with writing, and concerned about his financial future, Jonah changed majors many times in college before making a practical choice and graduating with a business degree in marketing from San Francisco State 2007.

After college, he worked various computer jobs involving networking, and Linux. However, soon his inner daemon called upon him to get back to the goal he had set in the fifth grade. In his spare time, he voraciously consumed everything he could about creative writing, before writing his first screenplay and entering it into a few contests, winning a quarter finalist and a finalist award.

This small success spurred him on to write a fantasy novel. Currently he is working with his parents, Olivia, and Douglas, on Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge as the chief story designer.

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