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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, set in 1980’s New York, Louis DeVille by Adam Johnston, arrogant Luis had inflicted too much pain on those he professed to love, so his friends hatch a plan that will change his life.

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Louis DeVille

Literary rollercoaster, Louis DeVille by Adam Johnston, takes readers on a ride that is almost impossible to second guess.

Louis DeVille by Adam Johnston on The Table Read Magazine
Louis DeVille by Adam Johnston

From lighthearted camaraderie to a chilling pact, this suspenseful novella delves into the depths of vengeance as Gus, Simon, and Nicola, once united by friendship, find their bond tested by the relentless cruelty of Luis. A man driven by ego and ambition, Luis leaves a trail of bruised egos and shattered dreams in his wake. But Gus, Simon, and Nicola refuse to be his victims any longer.

Fueled by a potent mix of righteous anger and a thirst for justice, they devise a plan so deliciously dark, it leaves even the ruthless Luis speechless.

This novella explores the consequences of revenge, the line between justice and retribution, and the surprising cost of ultimate satisfaction.

Clocking in at a lean 31 pages, Adam Johnston’s novella utilizes every word with laser focus, exploring the moral complexities of revenge. The unsettling yet captivating narrative is a breath of fresh air, proving that teenage fiction can delve into profound themes beyond fantasy and romance.

Adam Johnston

A chartered surveyor with over 30 years’ experience, Adam Johnston has worked for local and central government, private and public organisations and in fact pretty much everybody.

That means that I am a jack of all trades and master of none. I hope you find my work interesting and informative.

-Adam Johnston

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