Categories: Childrens and YA

New YA Fantasy, A Reverie Tale – Borderlands And Transience By Anna M. Tusk, Explores Battle For Truth In The Face Of Magic, Contradiction And Deception

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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, A Reverie Tale – Borderlands and Transience by Anna M. Tusk immerses readers in the political and spiritual turmoil of multiple, connected realities, with strange magic, powerful adversaries and uncertain friendships.

A Reverie Tale – Borderlands and Transience

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Hoping for a fresh start at a new college, little does Lilly know that her future lies beyond Earth. When she finds herself thrown into a completely different world, or rather, many worlds, all ruled by Fate, an omniscient power who predetermines human life, Lilly tiptoes the line of lawbreaking, seeking answers to her heritage. But her questions only multiply as she discovers that both her past and the mysterious events around her may hold the key to what Fate has planned.

A Reverie Tale explores the question of human free will, pitted against an omniscient, godly power that predetermines everything that has ever been, is, and will be: Fate. But is Fate real, or is her existence a made-up political power ploy? Lilly-Anne must unravel the very fabric of the otherworlds in her quest to find the truth.

A Reverie Tale: Borderlands and Transience is a story of friendship, belonging, and a battle for free will against the most powerful of adversaries.

Anna M. Tusk

The initial idea for A Reverie Tale came to me in a dream when I was only 15, the plot weaving together while I slept. Once awake, I couldn’t let go of the magical things I had seen, so I indulged in them, adding to the dream and expanding it.

The project was abandoned for nearly 10 years, until I found myself in lockdown, fresh out of university and unemployed. Days were spent wandering and dreaming. I returned to the story to escape the pandemic news. I had to refamiliarize myself with the plot and thanked my teen self for writing detailed timelines on 6ft long scrolls of A4 paper sellotaped together. The details and characters then matured, just as I have over the years.

-Anna M. Tusk

Anna M. Tusk

A debut author in her mid-twenties, Anna M. Tusk moved to Norfolk as a child before completing her degrees at the University of Cambridge and University of East Anglia. Now she is working as an archaeologist in the Midlands, and her First Class BA (Hons) was recognised with three academic awards. With a background in archaeology and anthropology, Anna’s interests include perceptions and understandings of reality, the nature of truth, symbolism, and epistemology.

Above all else, Anna is a dreamer with an imagination that refuses to cease dwelling on these questions within imagined worlds, their conflicts, and conundrums. Bilingual and binational, Anna uses her stories to explore what it means to straddle two worlds, attempting to make sense of both while calling one a permanent home.

Find more from Anna M. Tusk now:

Instagram: @annamtusk

Twitter: @AnnaM_Tusk



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