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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, in a collection observational short stories, Riding The Tiger, David Garner offers a succinct, detailed and eclectic mix of narratives.
Riding The Tiger is David Garner’s second book of short stories, features a collection of great yarns without pages of literary preamble. These stories, instead, offer strong openings, well-paced stories and crisp, natural dialogue that cuts to the chase.
This collection of fifteen tales is a richly rewarding mix of stories, each as compelling as the last, and featuring finely drawn characters whose adventures are recounted with perception and wry humour. From the formidable Mrs Bridger’s arrival at a run-down jewellery shop to hapless Vladimir Chernikov’s top secret mission to the Caucasus Mountains, each story unfolds in a pleasing variation of era and location.
Reflecting many facets of human behaviour, such as love, friendship, ambition, murder, Riding The Tiger by David Garner is a compelling short story collection of rare originality.
Keeping readers invested and engaged, this memorable short story collection that will be dipped into time and time again. A perfect book for holidays, travel and all lighter moments.
Riding The Tiger is David Garner’s fifth book, and his second of short stories. A widely experienced writer, he has written on subjects as diverse as wildlife conservation, autobiography, property and business. As a freelance writer, he wrote features for a London media company, sometimes diverting to write after-dinner speeches and other commissions.
A varied career including gamekeeper, paratrooper, sales manager and business analyst / debt negotiator has proved a rich source of inspiration for his short stories.
The short story looks deceptively simple, but must convey characters, setting and drama in comparatively few words, a writing challenge which makes the short story my favourite genre.
-David Garner
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