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Ivana’s book, A Manual for a Contemporary Body, available now from all good book shops, focuses on those who have tried everything to shift the aches and pains that plague our sedentary contemporary society.
A movement and posture expert, Ivana’s mission is to educate, guide and empower people to make the right choices concerning their bodies and when choosing specific activities or exercise programmes.
It is Ivana’s belief that through this manual she can help everyone shorten their journey through the jungle of information and misinformation to achieve a healthier body and a well balanced, active and healthy life, and to learn how to exercise in a more functional and intelligent manner, without the risk of injuries.
Having dealt with a bad back injury in the past, Ivana’s main motivation has become to make people feel better. Over the past 30 years, she has looked after people from all over the world, including royalty, athletes, film and music personalities, and anyone who wishes to move more intelligently. Her clients have become a constant source of inspiration.
Her innovative BODY ID method is based on many years of professional experience in dance; Intelligent Movement; Movement Therapy; and observations of the human body, and is proven to be effective for long-term relief from chronic back pain, safer alternative programmes to physical fitness and the prevention of musculo-skeletal damage.
Ivana pioneered her revolutionary approach by applying a holistic technique that encompasses a person’s lifestyle, physical characteristics, and mindful well-being.
She has collaborated with renowned doctors and clinics, from London to Singapore, even introducing the Pilates Method and other intelligent movement methods to Singapore and SouthEast Asia in 1998. Ivana now runs her posture and movement re-education clinic in the renowned Harley Street medical hub of London.
This book is ideal for anyone searching for a better life quality, who want to enjoy a beautiful, strong and efficient body throughout their life journey. People who have been juggling careers with family obligations and at the same time struggling with a busy and less physically active lifestyle.
“Thanks to Ivana’s vast knowledge of the body we are much more aware of our posture, breathing and what exercise is right for us and consequently so much more energetic and mobile. Age is no excuse.”
“If you want to take the first step to become aware of the dynamics of your body’s movement , this is definitely the book to read. With easy imagery, it conveys the meaning of intelligent movement and helps you understand how to achieve an efficient and pain free body. Highly recommended!!”
Available from Amazon £13.85
Published by That Guys House
Ivana Daniell, Italian born, is a graduate of the renowned Laban Centre in London, and the founder and director of Ivana Daniell BODY ID.Her innovative BODY ID method is based on many years of professional experience in dance, Intelligent Movement, Movement Therapy.
Ivana’s main motivation has become to make people feel better, over the past 30 years, she has looked after people from all over the world, including royalty, athletes, film and music personalities, and anyone who wishes to move more intelligently. Her clients have become a constant source of inspiration. Ivana now runs her posture and movement re-education clinic in the renowned Harley Street medical hub of London.
That Guy’s House is a forward-thinking and innovative wellness company and publisher of self-help and spiritual books that share strong, inspirational messages. We work hard every day to give the world a voice so that people can share their stories – authentically and honestly – because we truly believe that there is life-changing power in inspirational books.
In the true spirit of self-help, for every author signed, book deals are also offered to those in less privileged situations so that their families, charities or not-for-profit organisations can benefit. Quite simply, we are here to inspire humanity, both on and off paper.
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