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Most Popular Star Wars Characters In The UK

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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best entertainment magazine in the UK“, a study into Google search data has discovered the most popular Star Wars characters in the UK, so we worked out what makes them so loved.

The Star Wars universe has captured the hearts and minds of millions worldwide, spawning a dedicated fanbase with an encyclopedic knowledge of the galaxy far, far away. But which characters have truly captured the British public’s imagination?

To answer this question, we delved into the depths of Google Search data analysis by gaming magazine 1337 Games which uncovered the Star Wars characters that received the highest number of monthly searches in the UK. Join us as we explore the reasons behind their enduring appeal and celebrate the iconic figures that have shaped pop culture.

You don’t need to go to a galaxy far, far away to share a fondness for your favourite Star Wars characters because enduring love is evident in the UK. As fans eagerly anticipate new projects and lore, the introduction of new characters and the emergence of new favourites continue to resonate through their compelling stories and adventures.

Star Wars isn’t just a series of on-screen and on-paper projects. It’s a phenomenon that brings people together across generations. With another May 4th Star Wars Day fresh in everyone’s minds, the excitement for classic and new characters is only set to grow, as does the overall story of Star Wars. This shared passion underscores why Star Wars remains a beloved part of our cultural fabric.

-spokesperson from 1337 Games

Most Popular Star Wars Characters In The UK

RankCharacterMonthly Google searches
2.Anakin Skywalker31,449 
3.Darth Vader30,438 
4.Jabba the Hutt28,861 
5.Obi-Wan Kenobi27,694 
6.Princess Leia19,864 
8.Padmé Amidala17,479 
9.Darth Maul15,358 
10.Emperor Palpatine15,037 

Grogu, AKA Baby Yoda

Topping the list of the UK’s most beloved Star Wars characters is none other than the enigmatic Grogu, affectionately known as Baby Yoda. With a staggering 39,073 monthly Google searches, this pint-sized sensation has captured the hearts of the nation.

The character’s irresistible charm, combined with his mysterious origins and powerful Force abilities, has created a global phenomenon. Grogu’s continued presence in the Star Wars universe, including his upcoming feature-length film, The Mandalorian and Grogu, scheduled for release in 2026, ensures that his popularity will only continue to grow.

Interestingly, the data reveals regional variations in Grogu’s fanbase. Cities like Bolton, Croydon, and Peterborough have shown particular enthusiasm, with significantly higher search volumes per capita compared to the national average. It’s clear that Grogu’s appeal transcends age, gender, and geographic boundaries, making him a truly universal fan favorite.

What Makes Grogu So Popular?

Grogu’s large, expressive eyes, small size, and childlike demeanor evoke strong nurturing instincts. His design is a masterclass in cuteness, tapping into our innate desire to care for vulnerable beings.  

As a member of the same species as Yoda, Grogu carries the weight of the Star Wars lore. His mysterious origins and powerful Force abilities add a layer of intrigue, making fans eager to learn more about this enigmatic character.  

Grogu’s relationship with the Mandalorian, Din Djarin, is a heartwarming portrayal of an unlikely bond. Their interactions showcase the power of love, protection, and companionship, resonating deeply with audiences.  

In a world filled with complexity, Grogu offers a sense of nostalgia and childlike wonder. His presence evokes a sense of innocence and purity, providing a much-needed escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Anakin Skywalker

Claiming the second spot on the UK’s most searched Star Wars characters is the iconic Anakin Skywalker, with a substantial 31,449 monthly searches. His enduring popularity is a testament to the complex and tragic arc that defines his character.

Interestingly, Anakin’s journey from noble Jedi Knight to the malevolent Darth Vader has sparked such fascination that fans continue to search for answers about his origins. Despite the infamous transformation, nearly 5,000 monthly Google searches for “Who is Darth Vader?” highlight the enduring mystery surrounding this complex character.

Cities like Bath, Bournemouth, and Norwich have shown particular interest in Anakin Skywalker, suggesting a strong and dedicated fanbase in these regions. As the Star Wars saga continues to unfold, Anakin’s legacy as a pivotal figure in the galaxy far, far away remains undeniable.

What Makes Anakin Skywalker So Popular?

Anakin Skywalker’s enduring popularity is a testament to his complex and tragic character arc. As the chosen one prophesied to bring balance to the Force, Anakin embodies the struggle between light and dark, hope and despair.

His journey from a heroic Jedi Knight to the villainous Darth Vader is a captivating exploration of the human condition. Fans are drawn to his tragic downfall, fueled by fear, loss, and a desperate desire to save those he loves. The potential of a young, gifted Jedi corrupted by the dark side is a compelling narrative that continues to resonate with audiences.  

Moreover, Anakin’s character is multifaceted. He is brave, loyal, and compassionate, but also impulsive, arrogant, and driven by fear. This complexity makes him a relatable and fascinating figure, inspiring empathy and understanding.

While his transformation into Darth Vader is iconic, it’s the tragic hero within Anakin Skywalker that continues to captivate fans and solidify his place as one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars saga.

Darth Vader

Securing the third spot on our list is the iconic Darth Vader, with a formidable 30,438 monthly Google searches. The embodiment of evil and the ultimate symbol of the Dark Side, Vader’s imposing presence continues to captivate audiences decades after his debut. His complex character arc, from the noble Jedi Anakin Skywalker to the ruthless Sith Lord, has cemented his status as one of cinema’s most iconic villains.

The allure of Darth Vader extends far beyond his imposing appearance. His tragic backstory, coupled with his formidable power, has created a character of unparalleled depth and complexity. Cities like Bristol, Stockport, and Edinburgh have shown particular enthusiasm for the Dark Lord, suggesting a strong and enduring fanbase in these regions.

What Makes Darth Vader So Popular?

The imposing figure, masked face, and menacing breathing have become synonymous with evil. Vader’s visual impact is instantly recognizable and unforgettable.

His transformation from a noble Jedi Knight to a ruthless Sith Lord is a poignant exploration of the dark side of human nature. This tragic arc evokes empathy and fascination.

Vader’s enigmatic persona, coupled with his immense power, creates a sense of fear and awe. His limited dialogue and imposing presence add to his mystique.

Beyond the Star Wars universe, Darth Vader has become a cultural icon, referenced and parodied in countless forms of media. This widespread recognition solidifies his status as a pop culture legend.

These elements combine to create a character of unparalleled depth and complexity, making Darth Vader a timeless and captivating figure in the world of fiction.

Jabba The Hutt

Securing the fourth spot is the infamous Jabba the Hutt, with a staggering 28,861 monthly Google searches. This slimy, reptilian crime lord has captivated audiences with his over-the-top villainy and larger-than-life personality. Cities like Newcastle, Leeds, and Birmingham have shown particular enthusiasm for the Hutt, with significantly higher search volumes per capita.

Jabba’s enduring popularity can be attributed to his iconic status as a symbol of pure evil. His opulent lifestyle, surrounded by exotic dancers and deadly enforcers, creates a stark contrast to the heroic figures of the Star Wars universe. Despite his despicable actions, Jabba’s undeniable charisma and larger-than-life presence have cemented his place in pop culture history.

What Makes Jabba The Hut So Popular?

Jabba embodies pure, unadulterated evil. His gluttony, cruelty, and disregard for others make him a captivating antagonist.

His grotesque appearance, with tentacles and a slimy exterior, is instantly recognizable and unforgettable.

As a powerful crime lord, Jabba represents the underbelly of the Star Wars galaxy. His palace and entourage showcase his wealth and influence.

Despite limited screen time, Jabba has left an indelible mark on the franchise, becoming a cultural touchstone and a favorite among fans.

Jabba the Hutt is more than just a villain; he’s a symbol of excess, corruption, and the darker side of the Star Wars universe. His enduring popularity is a testament to his unforgettable character and the rich tapestry of the Star Wars saga.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Rounding out our top five is the venerable Obi-Wan Kenobi, with a substantial 27,694 monthly Google searches. As a foundational character in the Star Wars saga, Obi-Wan’s role as Luke Skywalker’s mentor and wise guide has endeared him to generations of fans.

Cities like Lincoln, Bath, and Bolton have shown particular affinity for the Jedi Master, with higher-than-average search volumes. This reflects the enduring appeal of Obi-Wan’s character, representing wisdom, courage, and the enduring spirit of the Jedi Order.

What Makes Obi-Wan Kenobi So Popular?

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s enduring popularity is a testament to his iconic status as a wise and noble Jedi Knight. As Luke Skywalker’s mentor and a symbol of hope in the darkest of times, he has captured the hearts of fans across generations.

His unwavering dedication to the Jedi Code, coupled with his compassionate nature, makes him a relatable and aspirational figure. The character’s evolution from a youthful Jedi Knight to a wise old hermit adds depth and complexity, making him a fascinating subject for exploration.

Obi-Wan’s iconic status is further solidified by his memorable quotes and wise counsel. His influence on Luke Skywalker, and by extension, the entire Star Wars saga, is undeniable. As a character who embodies the best of the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.

Princess Leia

Princess Leia Organa, the indomitable leader of the Rebel Alliance, secures the sixth spot on our list with a substantial 19,864 monthly Google searches. Her iconic status as a strong, independent female character has cemented her place in pop culture history.

From her courageous defiance against the Empire to her unwavering leadership, Leia has inspired generations. Her iconic hairstyle, combined with her strategic mind and unwavering determination, has made her a role model for women worldwide.

Leia’s impact extends beyond the Star Wars universe, with her influence felt in fashion, politics, and popular culture. As a symbol of hope and resistance, she continues to resonate with audiences of all ages.

What Makes Princess Leia So Popular?

Princess Leia Organa, a fearless leader and iconic symbol of female empowerment, continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Her unwavering strength, intelligence, and determination have made her a role model for generations.

As a key figure in the Rebel Alliance, Leia defied traditional gender roles and proved that women could be just as capable and courageous as their male counterparts. Her iconic hairstyle, often referred to as the “cinnamon bun,” became a cultural touchstone, representing the spirit of rebellion and independence.  

Beyond her physical prowess, Leia was a skilled diplomat and strategist, demonstrating the importance of leadership and political acumen in the fight against oppression. Her complex character, balancing vulnerability with unwavering resolve, has made her a relatable and inspiring figure for women of all ages


Securing the seventh spot on our list is the enigmatic Yoda, with a substantial 18,738 monthly Google searches. As one of the most beloved and revered characters in the Star Wars universe, Yoda’s enduring popularity is a testament to his wisdom, power, and unique persona.

Known for his small stature and unconventional speech patterns, Yoda has captured the hearts of fans of all ages. His profound understanding of the Force and his guidance to Luke Skywalker have made him a symbol of hope and resilience.

Yoda’s legacy extends beyond the Star Wars films, with appearances in various spin-offs and merchandise. His iconic status as a wise and powerful Jedi Master ensures that his popularity will continue for generations to come.

What Makes Yoda So Popular?

Yoda, the diminutive yet infinitely wise Jedi Master, continues to captivate audiences with his unique blend of wisdom, power, and humor. His unconventional appearance and speech pattern have made him an instantly recognizable and beloved figure in the Star Wars universe.

As Luke Skywalker’s mentor, Yoda plays a pivotal role in shaping the young Jedi’s journey. His profound understanding of the Force and his ability to impart crucial lessons in unexpected ways have made him a symbol of guidance and mentorship.

Yoda’s enduring popularity is also due to his enigmatic nature. As one of the oldest and most powerful Jedi, he carries an air of mystery that has intrigued fans for generations. His role in the prequel trilogy further expanded his character, revealing his early life and the challenges he faced as a member of the Jedi Council.

Whether it’s his iconic wisdom, his unique appearance, or his pivotal role in the Star Wars saga, Yoda remains a beloved and enduring character who continues to inspire and captivate audiences of all ages.

Padmé Amidala

Claiming the eighth spot on our list is the regal Padmé Amidala, with 17,479 monthly Google searches. As the former Queen of Naboo turned Senator, Padmé has captured the hearts of fans with her strength, intelligence, and unwavering spirit.

From her elegant poise to her courageous leadership, Padmé embodies the ideal of a strong female character. Her love story with Anakin Skywalker, a central plotline of the prequel trilogy, has added to her enduring appeal. Despite her tragic fate, Padmé remains an iconic figure in the Star Wars universe.

What Makes Padmé Amidala So Popular?

Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo turned Senator, remains a beloved figure in the Star Wars universe. Her enduring popularity is a testament to her complex and multifaceted character.

As a strong, independent woman who navigated the political landscape with grace and determination, Padmé challenged traditional gender roles. Her intelligence, compassion, and unwavering belief in justice made her a role model for generations. Her tragic love story with Anakin Skywalker added a layer of complexity and depth to her character, making her a truly unforgettable figure.

Beyond her personal journey, Padmé was a symbol of hope and resistance against the Empire. Her unwavering dedication to the Republic and her unwavering belief in democracy have inspired countless fans.

Darth Maul

Claiming the ninth spot with 15,358 monthly Google searches is the formidable Darth Maul. Once thought to be vanquished, his return to the Star Wars canon has ignited a resurgence of fan interest. His iconic appearance, with his distinctive red skin, black attire, and menacing double-bladed lightsaber, has made him a fan favorite.

The character’s complex backstory and relentless pursuit of revenge have captivated audiences, making him a standout villain in the Star Wars universe. Maul’s survival against seemingly insurmountable odds and his subsequent transformation into a formidable criminal mastermind have solidified his status as a complex and compelling character.

What Makes Darth Maul So Popular?

Darth Maul, the fearsome Sith apprentice with a double-bladed lightsaber, continues to captivate audiences with his menacing presence and complex character arc. His iconic design, combined with his formidable fighting skills, has made him a fan favorite.

Originally introduced as a formidable antagonist in The Phantom Menace, Maul’s survival and subsequent return in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Solo: A Star Wars Story have expanded his character and solidified his status as a complex and compelling villain. His journey from a ruthless Sith assassin to a cunning criminal mastermind has showcased his adaptability and resilience.

Maul’s resurgence in popularity is a testament to his enduring appeal and the rich storytelling possibilities offered by the Star Wars expanded universe.

Emperor Palpatine

Completing our top ten is the enigmatic and malevolent Emperor Palpatine, with 15,037 monthly Google searches. As the ultimate embodiment of the Dark Side, Palpatine’s influence on the Star Wars saga is undeniable.

Known by his Sith name, Darth Sidious, Palpatine masterminded the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire. His cunning manipulation and thirst for absolute power have made him one of the most iconic villains in cinematic history.

With his imposing presence and sinister demeanor, Palpatine has become a symbol of evil and tyranny. His complex character, capable of both charm and cruelty, has captivated audiences and fueled countless discussions and theories.

The enduring fascination with Emperor Palpatine highlights his significance in the Star Wars universe and his status as a truly unforgettable antagonist.

What Makes Emperor Palpatine So Popular?

As the enigmatic mastermind behind the Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine, or Darth Sidious, commands a fearsome presence in the Star Wars universe. His ability to manipulate events from the shadows and his ultimate control of the Force have cemented his status as one of the most iconic villains in cinematic history.

Palpatine’s allure lies in his complex and multifaceted character. Initially appearing as a benevolent politician, he gradually reveals his true nature as a ruthless manipulator and power-hungry Sith Lord. His cunning, intelligence, and mastery of the dark side make him a formidable adversary for any hero.

Moreover, Palpatine’s connection to the overarching mythology of Star Wars adds to his mystique. As the Emperor, he represents the ultimate evil and the corrupting influence of the Dark Side. This, combined with his iconic appearance and imposing demeanor, has solidified his place as a cultural touchstone.


Google Keywords Planner


1. Identification of characters: 

  • A comprehensive list of Star Wars characters was generated by conducting detailed desk research, which included reviewing articles, blog posts, and credits from TV shows and movies. This approach ensured a broad and inclusive selection of characters based on their appearance in various Star Wars media.

2. Data collection and analysis: 

  • Employed Google Keyword Planner to gauge monthly search volumes for each character across each UK area and individual cities to determine ‘per 100,000 citizens’ for the past 12-month period.
  • Keywords were merged with the following broadened search metrics for an optimal scope of interest: ‘[Character],’ ‘[Character] Star Wars,’ ‘Who played [Character],’ ‘[Character] actor,’ and ‘[Character] lightsaber.’

3. Ranking and results: 

Each character was ranked based on search interest; searches for characters with multiple nicknames were combined, e.g., ‘Grogu’ and ‘Baby Yoda.’

The Mandalorian was omitted from this study due to the crossover in searches for the TV series title of the same name, causing inflation in the results.

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