Categories: Non Fiction

In New Book, Heal Your Daughter, Dr. Cheryl L. Green Offers Strategies To Stem The Rising Tide Of Despair In Teen Girls

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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, Heal Your Daughter by Dr. Cheryl L. Green offers advice to parents of teenage girls for coping with depression and self harm.


Teenage Mental Health

The ongoing emotional wellness care framework and its go-to convention of findings, medications and hospitalization is missing the mark, and up to this point, has neglected to address the difficulties presented by the ongoing psychological well-being emergency, according to lifestyle psychiatrist Dr. Cheryl L. Green, M.D.

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Dr Green explained that our teens have been encountering grave issues in their psychological wellness for north of 10 years, and the new pandemic significantly extended what was at that point an emergency. She  shared that she has seen the rising tide of despair in high schooler girls firsthand at the clinical college where she educates and in her own confidential practice.

Heal Your Daughter

In her book, Heal Your Daughter: How Lifestyle Psychiatry Can Save Her from Depression, Cutting, and Suicidal Thoughts, Dr. Green offers a novel approach to assisting adolescent girls who are struggling with depression. She walks parents or other caregivers through six specific ways they can assist their daughters in developing health-promoting and depression-reversing habits after describing the new field of lifestyle psychiatry. Six domains offer cutting-edge, evidence-based information and direction: nourishment, detoxification, work out, rest, profound connectedness and stress decrease.

Fortunately recovery, even from the most horrendously awful disasters of experience growing up and early adolescance, is possible, explained Dr. Green. There is no need to “manage” life’s early traumas with ever-increasing dosages of psychiatric medications; They can, in fact, be completely or nearly completely healed, in her opinion.

In her book, Dr. Green explains that the method can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments or on its own. A diagnosis is not required for the method. It’s cheap and free of drugs. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, it gives those who have given up on psychiatry and the conventional mental health care system new reasons to be hopeful.

Dr. Cheryl L. Green

Dr. Green explained that teen girls with depression are frequently overwhelmed and unable to help themselves. However, as the caregiver, you can assist them in making incremental progress in the six domains outlined in the book. Teen girls can get closer to reclaiming their physical and mental health by taking even more insignificant steps.

In the end, the goal of Heal Your Daughter and its companion book, The Heal Your Daughter Workbook, is to make significant new contributions to society’s understanding of and support for girls in the modern era.

Dr. Cheryl L. Green

Southern California-based lifestyle psychiatrist Dr. Cheryl L. Green She works parttime at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and parttime in her own confidential practice situated in the greater Los Angeles region. She has degrees from Stanford University School of Medicine (M.D.), Princeton University (Ph.D.), and Harvard University (A.B.). She holds board certifications in lifestyle medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry, and psychiatry. Her passion is moving others to accomplish physical and psychological well-being.

Find more now:


Heal Your Daughter: How Lifestyle Psychiatry Can Save Her from Depression, Cutting, and Suicidal Thoughts

Publisher: BookBaby Press

Release Date: April 21, 2023                          

ISBN-10: ‎ 1667871242

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1667871240

Available from, and other retailers


The Heal Your Daughter Workbook: Six Weeks to Feeling Good with Lifestyle Psychiatry

Publisher: BookBaby Press

Release Date: April 21, 2023

ISBN-10: ‎ 1667871269

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1667871264

Available from, and other retailers

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