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Heart-Led Entrepreneurial Women Unite To Bravely Share Their ‘Glow Up’ Stories In Inspirational Book Which Flew To Number 1 In The Global Best Seller Charts

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On The Table Read, “the best book magazine in the UK“, Lucy Crane and Stacey Knight-Jones release a new book full of real “glow up” stories from inspirational women, There She Glows.

There She Glows

There She Glows on The Table ReadThere She Glows on The Table Read
There She Glows

‘Glow up’ is a term often used involving significant changes in appearance and style, but these amazing women have united to share their personal glow-up stories in a book that has become a global best seller.

Only a few hours after it’s release – it flew to number one on the Amazon book charts sitting alongside social media superstar Jay Shetty’s book ‘Think Like A Monk’ in the Inspirational Spirituality category and also alongside the New York Times million-copy bestseller E-Myth by Michael Gerber in Small Business eBooks, it also took the top spot in seven other categories including; Women’s Spirituality and Personal Transformation.

Brought together by two incredible female heart-led entrepreneurs, this book is a collection of brave tales and inspirational stories, demonstrating the difference we can all make when we ‘Glow Up’.

Glow Society

Lucy Crane, 33 from Devon and Stacey Knight-Jones, 38, from Staffordshire, are leaders of the Glow Society™, a Life Coach Certification & Training Company, consisting of heart-led women from across the world who are ready to create their Abundant Lifestyle and Business & Live on Purpose.

Lucy Crane

The duo have partnered with 12 incredible women from around the world in an empowered act of collaboration, and this week they collectively celebrate the bestselling success of their book.

Lucy said; “This book is definitely inspired by the story of the little boy and the starfish. As the story goes, he worked his way along the beach, throwing back the washed-up starfish one at a time into the sea. When challenged about the difference he could make he responded ‘I made a difference to that one!’

This beautiful story highlights the ripples we can all create together to impact the lives of many and that’s our hope for this book… that it impacts ripples across the world, one reader at a time. We know there will be certain lessons, blessings, words of wisdom, and encouragement that each reader has been waiting to hear and know that this book can shine a light for you to experience your own ‘Glow Up’ wherever you are on your journey.”

There She Glows: Volume 3

‘There She Glows: Volume 3’ shows the reader what is possible when women dare to come home to that place of self-acceptance, live with purpose and determination, share their gifts and shake the world.  Each and every chapter is uniquely beautiful as the co-authors share their own journeys, embracing the evolution of the women they have truly become.

Stacey Knight-Jones

The book covers areas such as; mental, physical and emotional exhaustion, breakdown, grief, denial, self-discovery, resilience, financial hardship, healing,  and what it means to truly follow your purpose, be brave enough to dream again and live life on your own terms.

•             In The Journey to an Aligned LIfe, Carli describes how, after suffering mental, physical and emotional exhaustion, she started to experience incredible life-changing results once she paid attention to the small guiding voice within herself.

•             In Red Flags and Ostriches; Breaking the Trance of Denial, Maria describes how, after a breakdown, she found the courage to leave her marriage and travel her own journey of self-discovery rooted in no longer ignoring the red flags of her experience and burying her head in the sand.

•             In Living From the Inside Out, Silvana her early life experience, developing resilience and how, prompted by the possibility of financial hardship, she decided to take some drastic action.

One Woman At A Time

Lucy continues; “We would like to thank the 12 incredible women from around the world who have collaborated with us in this book, we thank them for bravely sharing their beautiful and courageous contributions. For choosing love over fear and having the courage to share their truth, their message, lessons, and blessings to inspire and empower the rest of the world.

Through Glow Society, Lucy and Stacey are on a mission to ‘Light Up the World One Woman at a Time’ – Stacey said; “As a company we truly believe that every woman should have the opportunity to share their message and unique gifts to the world in their own way, knowing that in doing so, it will allow you to feel less alone in your world. 

Glow Society

Our vision is to ensure that every woman with dreams gives herself permission to live her purpose so as a collective we can raise the vibration and bring more happiness, love and light into the world. As we individually GLOW one person at a time, we can truly light up the world.”

Empowering Women

In 2008, Lucy left her teaching career following years of dedication, sacrifice, and hard work due to overwhelm, stress and the guilt that she was never truly present. Riddled with anxiety and guilt she spent hours wondering “what if?” until coming to the realisation that she could take responsibility for changing her circumstances. 

Lucy re-skilled to recreate a life that absolutely reflected her vision and her values. Now, together with Stacey and years of experience and expertise, they have helped countless other women to discover who they really are, and as a Master Coach training Company, they train women from around the world to create powerful, profitable and impactful Coaching Businesses so that they too can shine their own light and help others to do the same. “Careers, lives and families have been changed as a result of women adjusting their thinking and listening to their hearts.” says Lucy, “ and I’m absolutely thrilled we have often been the catalyst for that.”

Authors & Co

‘There She Glows: Volume 3 is available to purchase on Amazon –

‘There She Glows’ has been published by the award-winning team at Authors & Co, who work to showcase and celebrate the empowering stories of women, Founder Abigail Horne said: “At Authors & Co we work with entrepreneurs who want to make an impact through leaving their legacy and the audience we serve are those with inquiring minds, keen to drink in information, and learn from others’ experiences. Our authors always lead their readers to reflect on their own lives and if aligned, make use of the teachings to move forward themselves”.

Glow Society

To find out more about the Glow Society, whether that be their Membership, or Life Coach Certification & Business Mastery Training Programme please visit:

7 Steps To Happiness

7 simple steps you can use to bring more happiness, freedom, love and light into your world and the world of others…

  1. Let go of the past – Your past doesn’t define you and nor does your current reality. Wherever you are on your journey right now, know that’s OK and you have the power to make a change in any given moment. It just starts with a decision.
  2. Declare that you will leave your old stories behind and from today, ‘I will only follow what lights me up. In saying YES to myself, I leave my old stories behind me and step into a new once upon a time…’ – now it’s time to let go of the past, trust in the future and embrace change.
  3. Overcoming your fears – Choose your hard – is it harder to overcome your fears today or to look back in the mirror in 6 months or 6 years’ time never achieving your dreams for yourself and those who matter most in your world?
  4. No longer allow the opinions of others who lack courage in their own dreams to discourage your own.
  5. Step into your highest purpose and radiate in self-love and acceptance. Find the gaps – where do you need to re-skill? What do you need to overcome? How can you overcome the destructive habits, beliefs and negative thought patterns that have been keeping you stuck? Find the people who have walked the path before you and trust that it’s OK to invest in yourself to become the person you need to become.
  6. Be brave enough to come out of your cocoon, unfurl your wings and dare to get off the ground wearing your brightest colours and dare to dream again.
  7. Choose that it will be so – If you truly desire to live a life of uncompromised dreams, a life that is true to us, and a life that reflects our version of extraordinary, you need to choose that it will be so, you need to speak it into being and ensure each step you take is aligned to this way of being –  your vibrational alignments is more important than any action step.
  8. There is so much power in community and finding your people. When women get together there is an energy, a vibe and in that, we can rise. Recognise the people in your life who light you up, that help you glow and spend more time in their company. If you don’t know who these people are, reach out, connect, join groups, network and find people who feel like you, find a space that feels safe, find people who embrace the truest essence of who you are without fear, shame or guilt. You are welcome to join our global sisterhood and free group community on Facebook:

Find more about There She Glows

LUCY CRANE – Accredited Master Coach and Trainer (IAPC&M), 5x Best Selling Author, Retreat Leader, NLP Practitioner, Theta Healer, Hypnotherapist, & Co-founder of the ‘There She Glows’ Collaboration Books.

STACEY KNIGHT-JONES – Mindfulness Expert, Retreat Leader, Transformational Life & Purpose Coach, Personal Development Junkie, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Best Selling Author & Co-founder of the ‘There She Glows’ Collaboration Books.


You Tube: SocietyTM

Instagram: we_are_glow_society

Book contributors:

  1. Carli Thorpe – The Journey To An Aligned Life
  2. Catherine Dodd – There She Glows
  3. Caz Landon – Soul Searcher
  4. Karen Carey – Cups Overflowing
  5. Kristina Ingvarsson – Fireproof
  6. Leah Rodrigues – The Wisdom Within
  7. Leanne Gabrielle – What Happens When a Lawyer Meets Network Marketing
  8. Lorraine Davies – The Answer was Inside Her All Along
  9. Maria Antonette – Red Flags and Ostriches; Breaking the Trance of Denial
  10. Silvana da Silva – Living From the Inside Out
  11. Teresa Murray – The Next Chapter
  12. Victoria Ireland – The Key To Healing
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