Categories: YouTubers

Europeans Need THIS Many Views To Quit Their Job To Become A YouTuber

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  • Citizens of Liechtenstein who aspire to be full-time YouTubers are the Europeans who would need the most amount of views at 16,692,251 to equal the average net average annual salary of €58,644 in their country
  • Switzerland (15,421,983), Luxembourg (12,204,612) and Denmark (12,174,375) are among the other European countries where budding YouTubers would need to surpass over 12 million YouTube views to accumulate the same sum as the net average yearly income in their respective countries
  • Interestingly, there are an average 85,500 global Google searches per month for ‘How to make money on YouTube?’ whilst there are an average 34,600 worldwide Google searches a month for ‘how to monetize YouTube videos?

Long gone are the days where people feel they need to rely on a 9 to 5 job to make a living. The internet has opened a realm of possibilities and one of the biggest online attractions is becoming a full-time YouTuber.

The Research

Interested in content platforms, Reboot Online Marketing utilised data from to establish how many YouTube views citizens in 44 European countries would need to earn the same amount as the net average yearly salary in their respective country if they were considering quitting their job to become a full-time YouTuber.

Before considering the amount of YouTube views needed, it should be established that the prerequisites needed to be eligible for ‘YouTube’s Partner Programme’ (the programme which enables an individual to make ad revenue from their YouTube videos) is a minimum 1,000 genuine subscribers and over 4,000 valid watch hours from the public in the last 12 months.  

The Numbers

Reboot Online Marketing found that Liechtensteiners would need to amass 16,692,251 views on their YouTube channel to generate ad income that is equal to the net average annual salary of €58,644 in their country.

In second place is Switzerland as those Swiss citizens with ambitions to become full-time YouTubers would need to accumulate 15,421,983 views on their YouTube videos to make the same amount as the net average yearly salary (€54,144) in the country.

Luxembourg is in third position, with citizens in the country needing to gain 12,204,612 views on their YouTube channel to earn enough ad revenue to match the €42,876 net average annual salary in the country.

Denmark (12,174,375) and Norway (11,318,448) are among the other European countries where aspiring YouTubers would need to surpass over 10 million views on their YouTube channel to accumulate ad revenue that is the same as the net average yearly income in their respective countries – Denmark (€42,744) and Norway (€39,756), respectively ranking fourth and fifth.

Sutipond Somnam / Shutterstock

At the other end in the 43rd spot is Armenia as Armenians with dreams of being a YouTube star would need to attract 850,611 views to earn enough ad revenue for it to be equivalent to the net average yearly salary of €2,988 in the country.  

Online Search Data

Online search data from online analytics tool Ahrefs also reveals that there is a strong appetite from individuals to explore and make YouTube a viable career option, the following Google searches indicate that:

  • How to create a YouTube channel?’ – 182,900 average global online searches per month
  • How to make money on YouTube?’ – 85,500 average global online searches per month
  • How to monetize YouTube videos?’ – 34,600 average global online searches per month
  • How much money can you make on YouTube’ – 19,100 average global online searches per month

Reboot Online Marketing’s Top Tips for Aspiring YouTubers

  1. Understand the ‘why’?

It is important to ask yourself why you want to become a YouTuber. Simply trying to become wealthy from it is not a good enough reason. You ideally want to create a channel which showcases your opinions, passions, and expertise on a subject area(s) you enjoy and are wholeheartedly invested in. By doing so, you give your channel a clear focus and ensure some form of consistency – because you’re more likely to upload regularly if it’s something you have a genuine interest in. 

  • Keep Up

Once you have identified the type of content you want to specialise in, it is your responsibility to stay ahead of the curve. Look out for the latest developments or trends going on in your niche and provide your ‘expert’ opinion on them.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Likewise, create fun and engaging content where you can integrate the likes of infographics, question and answer formats and collaborations with other YouTubers into your videos to add more depth and discussion around your views/opinions/predictions.

  • Show Gratitude

Building up a following on YouTube will undoubtedly take time but if you upload regularly and try to make each video better than the last, you are on the right path. Any followers you do gain in your early stages, engage with them in the comments by thanking them for their support.

Likewise, use any of their constructive criticism as feedback to improve your channel and don’t be afraid to ask them what sort of videos/content they would like you to do more of – try to cater to their wants/needs.

Methodology for the Research

  1. Reboot Online Marketing wanted to identify how many YouTube views citizens in 44 European countries would need to earn the exact net average annual salary in their respective country.
  2. Reboot Online Marketing identified the net average yearly salary (income after deductions such as tax have been made) in each included European country from this source. The source presented the net earnings figures for each country as net average monthly salary, so Reboot Online Marketing multiplied the net average net monthly salary figure for each country by twelve to get an average net yearly salary sum for each included country.
  3. Once this was done, Reboot Online Marketing used the tool by inserting the net average yearly salary figures for each included European country into their database to establish how many YouTube views citizens would precisely need to make ad revenue that is equivalent to the net average yearly salary in their respective country.
  4. Reboot Online Marketing worked on the notion that the number of views needed is after citizens have already established a minimum 1,000 genuine subscribers and over 4,000 valid watch hours from the public in the last 12 months for their YouTube channel (the criteria’s needed to qualify for YouTube’s partner programme).
  5. For additional data to showcase individuals desire to become YouTubers, Reboot Online Marketing utilised online analytics tool Ahrefs to see which online searches most represent this intention. The identified key online searches are all global online searches and monthly averages.
  6. Reboot Online Marketing did also consider and account for the different ways in which people search for the same thing online e.g. ‘How to make money on YouTube?’ has the same search intent as ‘How to earn money on YouTube?’.
  7. All key online searches made on thef Ahrefs database were assessed in English as well each European country’s respective primary language (where applicable).
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