Drum It With Brummet Blog

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Written by Dave Brummet


The Drum It With Brummet blog was created specifically for musicians, with a heavy slant toward drummers and percussionists… offering quotes, helpful articles, interviews, product reviews, amusing stories, memes and whatever else we feel will interest our readers:

https://DrumItWithBrummet.blogspot.com Dave Brummet, drummer and percussionist, brings a wide variety of experience and passion into drumming and shares this knowledge by teaching others through private lessons and group workshops. As a drum doctor, Dave offers repairs, tuning and customizing for most any drum or percussion instrument. View previous performances, some of the instruments Dave has built and some press clippings and accolades.

Lillian and Dave Brummet

Starting The Blog

As business owners, we periodically take the time to evaluate our 5-yr business plan and based on our findings we then re-write a 1-year action plan. This action plan works like an organized guide that we can follow as we work toward business activities and project development. I open with this statement, because it was this plan that brought us closer to our current goal of expanding the reach of our Angle Hill Studio services.

Our goal for the future is to open an e-store for the percussion accessories that I invented. Starting the Drum It With Brummet blog was one of the tools we are using to achieve more exposure and to create a networking hub with other musicians, and to offer support to those working in the music industry. In particular we encourage my students to visit the blog, as there is a lot of helpful information there for them to browse.

My wife and I have are not new to the world of blogging, we have a popular blog (Brummet’s Conscious Blog) that we have managed for more than 17 years. This experience made the choice of creating a second blog less daunting than it might have been.

Designing The Blog

Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

We knew it was important to choose the images, profile content, font, theme and colours to match the focus of this part of our business. We made sure to have ample content on hand to fill the first 9 months or more. Scheduling posts so far in advance was part of our plan: you see, we released 2 books this spring (2021) and it was necessary to allow flexibility in our schedule for the book release promotional activities.

In designing the blog, we made sure to utilize the side bar area to share our profile, blog calendar and several links to other places that we can be found online. There is a second page on the blog titled A Passion For Drums (https://drumitwithbrummet.blogspot.com/p/find-brummets.html) where we shared information about my experience in the realm of music.

Blogging Around Our Business

Our business keeps us quite busy but we found a way to glean a few stolen hours here and there, which allowed us to complete all of the initial organization within a month. After the blog had been active for a few months, we began putting out promotions. The delay in regards to promotions was on purpose – we did this for several reasons including being able to watch out for glitches or issues and addressing any fine-tuning that became noticeable to us.

Having several months of published content available meant that when a visitor came to see the blog, they would view it as a fairly established site as opposed to one that has just opened, with very little content to browse. We felt this would make our promotional efforts more effective.

Promoting Our Blog

Like any business service, blogs have to be promoted if we hope to have a readership. As I write this, we are in the 9th month of publishing the Drum It With Brummet blog and the readership numbers are slowly crawling upwards. My wife and I have a long list of promotional activities that we are tackling whenever time allows. I have personally been a part of a lot of music groups and bands, worked with theater groups, am connected with numerous online groups and have made connections with individuals over my 40 years of working in the music industry. I plan to reach out to each of these to let them know about the blog and how it may be useful to them. This will also give me a reason to reach out to all these connections, making our relationships stronger.

Photo by Jadson Thomas on Pexels.com

There are multitudes of ways we have already begun basic promotions for the blog. Starting with links to the blog on our main website (http://BrummetMedia.ca). We created a special page on our website that is dedicated to our social media projects, including this blog. The blog’s URL is included on social networking profile pages, is often mentioned in direct communications, and it is included in any social networking posts and genre-specific online group communications. Whenever it is appropriate, the URL is shared during media appearances, article bylines and email signatures.

Social Networking

My wife has us signed up with dozens of social networking sites and she will occasionally take extra time to share special blog posts or feeds and appropriate social networking groups. I mentioned before that we actually manage 2 blogs, and each has a link referring to the other. Additionally, our guests and their agents are encouraged to promote the heck out of their appearance on our blog.

My wife manages most of the content, seeking quotes and discovering articles, dealing with comments and handling most of the behind-the-scenes activities. She tends to schedule posts well in advance, often working 5 months ahead. However, I have a long list of article ideas and content creation projects that I work on whenever I get the time. So far, the amount of time to manage this second blog has been minimal, however we expect that to increase as the readership and networking with others in the industry continues to grow.

Submit To Our Blog

We do accept submissions and product review or interview queries. We publish poems, articles, product reviews and interviews that are geared toward musicians and music teachers. Anyone interested in working with the Drum It With Brummet blog need to remember that it has a heavy slant toward drummers and percussionists. We definitely plan on doing more interviews with people in the music industry as well. *Guidelines can be found here: https://consciousdiscussions.blogspot.com/p/about-brummets.html

More From Brummet Media:

Amazon Author Page: https://amazon.com/author/lillianbrummet

Brummet’s Website: http://BrummetMedia.ca



Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list.Their business includes Dave’s music studio and percussion accessory products and graphic design work as well as numerous award-winning non-fiction books and popular blogs. Today we help them celebrate their latest book release – From One Small Garden, with over 300 delicious, nutritious recipes!

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