Non Fiction

Author Interview – Melissa Mullamphy – Not In Vain, A Promise Kept

On The Table Read, author Melissa Mullamphy talks to JJ Barnes about the experiences of the healthcare system that made…

2 years ago

Forged In Darkness by Dr Joanna LaPrade Is Joseph Campbell Reimagined For The 21st Century

On The Table Read, Forged in Darkness: The Many Paths of Personal Transformation by Dr Joanna LaPrade unites self discovery…

2 years ago

In Captivating True Story, An Unexpected Journey, A Man Overcomes Devastation of War and Builds Thriving New Life in US

On The Table Read, John H. Livens shares details of his book, An Unexpected Journey, chronicling his life from war-torn…

2 years ago

The Life and Work Of Marina Abramović Is Explored In New Book By Ossian Ward

On The Table Read, Ossian Ward’s Marina Abramović is an overview of Marina Abramovic's incredible life and work.

2 years ago

Author Interview – Karen Stephenson – Foraging Cookbook

On The Table Read, Karen Stephenson talks to JJ Barnes about what inspired her to write her new Foraging Cookbook…

2 years ago

Proactive Patient Education From Dr David Wilcox Empowers Consumers to Be Better Partners in Their Care

On The Table Read, Dr David Wilcox describes his book, How to Avoid Being a Victim of the American Healthcare…

2 years ago

Dear Barack – Moments That Defined the Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel

On The Table Read, Claudia Clark releases new book, Dear Barack: The Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel.

2 years ago

From Shrink To Stretch – Rick Brandon’s Book Inspiration

On The Table Read, author Rick Brandon writes about what inspires him, and the creative writing process that went into…

2 years ago

Breaking Free – A Guide To Recovering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Long Covid Symptoms

On The Table Read, Jan Rothney releases Breaking Free, a practical and empathetic approach to recovering from CFS or Long…

2 years ago

Filmmaking With Nadia Zaidi

On The Table Read, filmmaker Nadia Zaidi talks to JJ Barnes about her career, what inspires her, and her new…

2 years ago