On The Table Read, author Ayn O'Reilly Walters talks about the inspiration behind her new YA time travel book, The…
On The Table Read, fantasy author Eren Viau talks about the inspiration behind her new book, The Voyage Of The…
On The Table Read, book 2 in James Murdo’s The Tapache’s Promise Trilogy, Echoes Of Time, is set 70 years…
On The Table Read, author Karen Hamilton-Viall talks to JJ Barnes about the inspiration behind her supernatural murder mystery book,…
On The Table Read, children's book author Sarah T Wright talks to JJ Barnes about the inspiration behind her Christmas…
On The Table Read, former Detective Chief Superindendent, Russell Wate, talks to JJ Barnes about his new murder mystery book,…
On The Table Read, Citra Tenore writes about her inspiration and her writing career, which started at age 12 with…
On The Table Read, James A Lyons releases his latest novel, The Paper Boy, about a fifteen year old boy…
On The Table Read, R.C. Munro releases first book in a new six part magical adventure series for children, Nymphas'…
On The Table Read, children's book author Lindsey Pope talks about the inspiration behind her new book, Sheldon's Time, on…