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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps To Bring Back The Love by Leslie Glass and Lindsey Glass helps repair fractures in mother-daughter relationships.

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The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps To Bring Back The Love

The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps To Bring Back The Love by Leslie and Lindsey Glass on The Table Read Magazine
The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps To Bring Back The Love by Leslie and Lindsey Glass

In their powerful new book, The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps To Bring Back The Love, bestselling author Leslie Glass and her award-winning documentarian daughter, Lindsey Glass, offer a beacon of hope to mothers and daughters facing a strained bond.

The authors don’t shy away from their own struggles. By candidly sharing their journey of estrangement and reconciliation, they demonstrate that even the deepest rifts can be healed. The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover goes beyond mere anecdotes; it provides a practical, four-step approach to rebuild trust, foster understanding, and rediscover the love that binds mothers and daughters.

When mothers and daughters don’t communicate in loving ways, misunderstandings lead to heartbreak. At the end of the day, we all just want to love and be loved.

It wasn’t until I wrote this book that I fully understood my mom’s experience as a woman and a parent. Writing brought a new level of compassion and healing to our relationship.

-Leslie Glass

Four Step Recipe For Repair

The Glasses unveil their practical roadmap to reconciliation – a four-step “recipe for repair” designed to mend even the most broken bonds. This approach goes beyond simply sharing stories. It empowers readers to:

Rebuild with Love: Finally, the book equips readers with the tools they need to rekindle love and build a stronger, more positive relationship.

Uncover Their Roots: By revealing their backstories, mothers and daughters gain a deeper understanding of each other’s experiences and perspectives.

Embrace Differences: Exploring emotional and personality styles fosters empathy and acceptance.

Diffuse Triggers: Understanding conflict patterns and triggers allows mothers and daughters to navigate challenging situations constructively.

It’s an interactive, transformative experience. We will change your perspective, hopefully for the better.

-Lindsey Glass

Leslie and Lindsey Glass

Leslie and Lindsey Glass are editors of the popular online recovery and wellness magazine Reach Out Recovery. Together, they produced the award-winning documentary The Secret World of Recovery and the WEDU/ PBS special The Silent Majority.

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