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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, author and founder of Serendipity Wellness®, Tracy Richardson, shares what inspired her to write her self help book, The Little Book Of Wellness.
I interviewed Tracy Richardson about her life and career, the work she does with Serendipity Wellness®, and what inspired her to write her new book, The Little Book of Wellness- An A-Z Guide to Nourishing Your Body, Mind + Soul
I’m Tracy Richardson, I’m a Therapist (MSc), Wellness Consultant and the Founder of Serendipity Wellness® ( I’m also the author of The Little Book of Wellness- An A-Z Guide to Nourishing Your Body, Mind + Soul. I live in Warwickshire, UK with my husband, Russ and our fur baby, Raven.
I studied for a BSc. in Sport & Exercise Science, a Post Graduate Diploma in Education and an MSc. in Sports Therapy, and have taken a roundabout route to get to where I am now. Having started out in the fitness industry 25 years ago, my journey has also taken me through healthcare and education, and I am now fully immersed into supporting the wellness of entrepreneurs and small business owners.
There is never a one size fits all solution, though through taking a whole person centred approach with clients I have been helping to inspire and educate them to care for and value themselves, through positive behavioural changes since 2018.
The goal is to facilitate healing and restoring wellness, with solutions that simultaneously enhance health, performance & business life. All so my clients become less reliant upon me and more trustful of themselves and their abilities to heal and optimise their wellness.
‘Wellness makes you a Well-being’.
Basically since I was at primary school I have said I wanted to write a book. My mum in particular has encouraged me as she knows me so well. I have always been a complete bibliophile to the point where I could lose days immersed reading. Everything about books fascinates me, regardless of whether it is fiction or a textbook, if its a topic I have an interest in I would likely read it.
My first foray into writing was in 2016 and being commissioned to co author an academic textbook, which I thoroughly enjoyed doing and couldn’t believe I was being paid to give someone my knowledge that would be shared with thousands of students.
But as for writing my own book, The Little Book of Wellness- An A-Z Guide to Nourishing Your Body, Mind + Soul, I started writing my book in December 2021 and it was published in May 2022.
For my own book, I first had the idea whilst on summer break with my husband and dog in 2021, I ran the idea past him and he thought it would work.
To write the book took just over a month, mainly because I spent time prior to this planning what I wanted to include in each chapter, so I worked my time around this. The editing took a little longer to get it just right and then it was off to be formatted and then to be published.
Overall from idea to publishing it was 9 months, though I had only thought it would take 6 as I totally underestimated the editing, proof reading and test reading that needed to happen.
Honestly, there is an abundance of information out there and we live in a 24-7 society, where the demand for our attention is at an all-time high, hence knowing where to start can be a tricky path to navigate. It was a common theme I had come across with many of my clients, and so my aim was to help to reduce the overwhelm surrounding the available options, to fill in the gaps in understanding and, provide clarity around the influence that your choices have.
I wanted to offer easy to action practical solutions that work, so that people would be able to confidently make changes to achieve sustainable results and, build wellness freedom to live life the way they want to live.
It also needed to be a book that you could pick up and read any chapter, or the chapter that resonates with you most, and go and action things right away. I know that people have busy lives and finding time to read a while book can be daunting, so having manageable sized chapters that you can work through at your own pace was paramount. In fact, if you only read one chapter you would gain supportive and helpful guidance.
Then of course the book, which is currently being enjoyed on 3 continents, helps me to reach more people and impact positively their lives and help them to create change. Enabling people to approach their wellness with confidence and easy to action steps, to nourish their body, mind and soul is empowering.
The main challenge was condensing all the details into manageable sized chapters. There is so much information swimming around in my head, that I actually had to edit lots of content out of the book to keep it in the A-Z format I had chosen. It’s helped me to hone in on what is essential to know, and has obviously given me lots of content for the future.
The book incorporates fundamental wellness principles, explains what each one is, how it influences you, what benefits you can expect from working on them, and how they interact with other chapters.
The book is based upon my 25 years of knowledge, expertise and understanding so the research was already done. I did however look for various quotes to support the work within each chapter and to provide references and details in the bibliography for any of the pioneers and researchers that I have learned from.
Well I chose an A-Z format so from there it was selecting the subjects I wanted to include. I chose topics that resonated with my clients and from questions that I have received in the past, for example how do frequencies affect me?, and how do I know what hormones are important?
Yes as I wanted to self publish the book and as a fist time solo author, I researched and found an independent editor who had worked with health and wellness authors previously and was also keen to read my book. She was based in Singapore and I was in the UK so the time difference meant there was always a break in between communications, though it isn’t a process that needs to be rushed. I think there were two passes and then a final check.
Authoring a book is very different to academic writing form my time in education and to copy writing for my business, so it was interesting to go through the process and understand where and why edits were recommended.
As they say, ‘every day is a school day’ and I loved learning about the process.
If you have ever wanted to write a book, you should.
Every book is different and no one knows what you know, or has the perception of things that you have, so it will be absolutely unique and a legacy.
Yes, there will certainly be another book on wellness, it’s in the very early idea stage, but now I have had the idea, I need to let it germinate a while and for it to manifest itself. It will be linked with a brand new programme and certification I am working on.
I am unbelievably proud and honoured to be an author. Lots of people talk about writing books, but not all of them do.
I put everything I have learnt over 25 years so people can benefit from the time, training, experience, blood, sweat and years that have made their way into this book.
It was definitely worth the effort because I want everyone to know what I know so they can support themselves with their wellness. Although, I actually enjoyed the process it really didn’t feel like an effort at all.
Plus, gaining reviews such as ‘This is the book I wish I’d had at my side throughout my life’ and ‘My new wellness bible’ means the world to me and makes even more worthwhile.
The Little Book of Wellness: An A-Z guide to nourish body, mind + soul:
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