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Author Interview – S.J. Waugh – The Adventures Of The Flash Gang, Episode Two, Treasonous Tycoon, On The Table Read Magazine, “the best entertainment eBook magazine UK“, children’s author S.J. Waugh shares what inspired herself and co-author M.M. Downing to write the story of The Adventures Of The Flash Gang, Episode Two, Treasonous Tycoon.
I interviewed S.J. Waugh about her life and career, co-writing with M.M. Downing, and what inspired their characters in the second installment of their children’s book series, The Adventures Of The Flash Gang, Episode Two, Treasonous Tycoon.
I’m a mom, wife, friend, sibling hermit writer with a foot in New York City and rural Connecticut. I love books, gardens, and imaginary worlds and spend as much time as I can in all.
I’m not sure I knew I wanted to write. My father was a writer, so of course an author career seemed rather unglamorous, and I was quite intent on a life of glamour. Still, I was always writing—especially in moments of turmoil—and suddenly (much later in life) realized I was telling stories and maybe I could do something with them.
Skipping the first novels that went nowhere, my first published book, Lark Rising, took approximately five years. A chunk of that time was spent workshopping the manuscript with some lovely writer friends.
A year. It’s the second episode in the trilogy, The Adventures of the Flash Gang, and co-author Melanie (M.M. Downing) and I had a contract to comply with! We knew the gist of the plot, but it only became whole as we wrote.
Time! Of course, that also helped, because my biggest challenge is procrastination.
Again, this latest release is part of a trilogy, so the actual “want” came with the idea for the first book. Co-author Melanie and I joined forces to write the types of stories we loved as kids—filled with adventure and mystery and lots of atmosphere (think: the London slums in Oliver Twist). Smoggy 1935 Pittsburgh fit the bill perfectly.
I’m not thinking there were “challenges”, so to speak. Having never co-authored, it was new to share a story, share characters, where difference of opinion, ideas can conflict. So, we had to learn how to compromise, to celebrate and, honestly, lean on each other’s writing strengths. We’ve gotten pretty good at that now!
Again, I’m thinking of Dickens’ Oliver Twist! We wanted an unlikely hero, one who made up for a lack of circumstances with brains and bravery. Our story has two protagonists, however, and we wanted a heroine as remarkable as she is different from our hero. She is memorably quirky, no less brave.
We have a wonderfully buffoonish thug who is the brawn…but the true villain represents the pro-fascist, pro-Nazi industry bigwigs of the time.
I am a pants-er by nature. Co-authoring, I had to (thankfully!) honor Melanie’s strengths, which among many, is her ability to see the bigger picture, understand the arc of our story. That helped pave our way, though I won’t deny there was plenty of re-writing as we went!
Naturally our editor had input, but we were given great latitude. Luckily co-authoring means having a built-in writer’s group. We could be each other’s critical set of eyes. I am a huge advocate of writers’ groups and learning to kill your darlings.
Write it! Really: sit down and actually write it. And write it for yourself…write it because you want to.
I’d love to continue co-authoring some middle grade stories with Melanie. We love “found families” and historical backdrops and are toying with some ideas in which we can use all that Great Depression research we did. Solo, I’m working on my favorite tales which are mostly dark and somewhat fantastical.
Absolutely. And I’d say to any writer, published or budding: always be proud of your effort. Be proud of your imagination, the care you took, the desire to share a story.
Finding The Adventures of the Flash Gang:
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X (Twitter): @downing_waugh
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