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On The Table Read, “the best book magazine in the UK“, author Regina Brownell talks about the inspiration behind her new contemporary romance book, The Two-Week Promise.
Written by JJ Barnes
I interviewed contemporary romance author Regina Brownll about her life and career, what inspired her to start writing, and story of her new book, The Two-Week Promise.
Aside from being a debut author. I’ve been married for 12 years. We have three kids and three cats. The last 10 years I have been a stay-at-home mom. I’m also currently a Wattpad Ambassador.
I graduated from Five Towns College with a degree in Mass Communications. I have worked as a radio host for two student radio stations in high school and college. Right now my main goal is to write and see where it takes me.
I have wanted to write a book since I was ten. My fifth-grade teacher instilled a love of writing in me during writers workshop, and while at the time I wrote short fiction and mostly fan fiction in my notebooks, the dream to write a real book was definitely there.
I didn’t start writing seriously until I was in my twenties. I spent most of my teen years, writing more fan fiction and learning the ins and outs of how to write a story. I did take a short break from writing after I had kids. When they got a little older in my early thirties, I had to dive back in. Something was missing in my life and writing was definitely it.
My first book that I wrote was never released traditionally. I wrote several Young Adult books that I ended up publishing a few of them on Wattpad.
I’m a fast drafter, and my debut took me a little over a month to write. Afterwards after my beta and CP’s looked it over, I spent another two months editing the book before querying. I had been querying this book for about a month and a half before Bloodhound offered me a book deal with it.
I had started to fall in love with Adult Contemporary Romance and Rom Coms, and came across a Christina Lauren book with a best friends brother scenario, and I loved the trope, and decided to try and write one.
My biggest challenge was definitely the intimate scenes. I had written one adult book prior to this, which will actually be my second release coming out in November, but I wrote with the intention of it being more of a closed-door romance. So, The Two Week Promise is the first book that I put on the page intimate scenes in. I’m feeling like with each book I write, I’m getting a little more confident with it.
I guess myself in a way. Ellie like me majored in Mass Communications in college and ended up working in retail instead, which was me from the time I graduated until I had my first child. In a way I throw a little bit of me into all my characters though.
It’s more of an internal antagonist for Ellie. She’s fighting with herself because she still lives at home with her mom, she’s working retail and not what she wanted, and she’s seeing her best friend achieve her goals, getting married, the job she wants, the perfect man, the beautiful honeymoon, and she wishes she had that. So, I guess it kind of reflects on how I felt in my 20’s when I didn’t land the perfect job and thought I’d never get anywhere.
The main character Ellie is at her best friends Charlottes wedding and Charlottes brother Logan is back in town. He left for a few years, after the death of his father. Ellie has always had a small crush on him, but never did anything, because she and Charlotte wrote friendship rules after Ellie’s brother broke Charlotte’s heart. But at the wedding the two connect and have a few drinks, and the next morning Ellie wakes up in Logan’s hotel room.
The main conflict is that Logan asks Ellie to embark on a two week, no strings attached relationship and keep it a secret from Charlotte while she’s on her honeymoon. Ellie of course wants more than anything to be with Logan and its her chance to see what it would be like. She goes into it with heavy feelings about Logan and throughout the book she is fighting with herself over if she should tell Logan how she feels or come clean to Charlotte.
I’m a pantser. I can’t plot books entirely or I’ll lose my momentum. For me I get an idea, and I start writing. I know when my idea takes off, because the character never stops talking to me and scenes will come up in my head while I’m doing other things. As I go, I write down in a notebook all the information about the characters and setting.
My CPs were wonderful when it came to the developmental aspect of the book. When it came to Bloodhound we did a lot of line edits and some name changes and minor things in between, especially working on those sneaky filter words.
Write the way that works best for you. Don’t let anyone tell you that your method of writing is invalid. Research, try new ways, but don’t let someone pressure you and say that you have to plot everything along the way. Everyone works differently and don’t be discouraged, especially if there is a writer who writes faster, or their first drafts look like final drafts and your work doesn’t. We are all different. If you love something don’t let anyone tell you it’s a waste of time.
I have several written books waiting to be edited. One is a rockstar romance, which I’m thinking of editing next after I’m done with my nerdy photographer and Journalist book. Another is a fake dating, April Fools Day book, and I am currently working on an enemies to lovers food critic and waitress book.
So proud of myself. Every time a hit a new milestone I cry tears of happiness. I’m the kind of person who tends to give up on certain things and writing was never one of them. I pushed myself to keep going, even when it felt like no one would ever read my books, I wanted to do it, because I love getting lost in my own world and creating.
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Twitter: MissJina
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