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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, author and career coach Rebecca Kirk shares what inspired her to write new book, You’re Here For A Reason, and how she helps her readers.
Written by JJ Barnes
I interviewed Rebecca Kirk about her life and career, how her new book, You’re Here For A Reason, helps readers on their Career Alignment Journey, and the work that went into writing it.
Tell me a bit about who you are.
I work as a career coach for people who are on a spiritual path. I specialise in helping people discover their purpose so they can experience greater fulfilment in their working lives.
Prior to this, I spent 14 years in the world of corporate retail, working in commercial roles for the likes of Boots and Sainsbury’s. I then set up my own business as a retail and brand consultant, before taking a life-changing career break in Sydney in 2010. This led to an awakening which saw me make my ultimate career change and retrain as a coach in 2016.

I now live in Cheshire with my partner and cockerpoo. I am a huge lover of nature, as well as the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
When did you first WANT to write a book?
I formally declared my desire to write a book in 2018 when I attended a Hay House Writer’s Workshop. Although I think it had actually been simmering in my subconscious for at least ten years before that! I used to have conversations with my Mum about writing a book, even though at the time I wasn’t sure what the topic was going to be.
When did you take a step to start writing?
I have been writing articles for my own blog as well as some guest blog articles since I began as a coach in 2016. I first began properly writing my book in March 2022.
How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?
It took eighteen months from putting pen to paper to releasing my first book. However, in many ways, it has taken a whole lifetime! The book is the culmination of both my own career change journey and the awakenings I have experienced in my life. The idea for the book was already in existence (when I started writing) as the concepts and tools within it are things I have been using with my clients for a number of years now.
What made you want to write You’re Here For A Reason?
Writing this book has very much been something I felt called to do. It feels like it has, in many ways, been written through me. I never planned to have it written at this point in time: it had always been something I planned to do further down the line, once I had reached other milestones or felt more ready. But I went to bed one Sunday night last March and said to my partner “I am meant to start writing my book. Tomorrow!” There was a wave of creative energy which entered the next day and carried me right the way through.
I wanted to write this book because I wanted to make what I do as a coach much more accessible to people. I understand that not everyone is in a position to invest in a coach, and this was my way of offering those people a way forward.
Also, a few years prior, I had been using a daily affirmation “I am accelerating my contribution in the world.” My intention was to reach more people with my work and to reach my own true potential. The book is what I believe transpired from that intention.
I feel very called to do my bit to help the planet become a little more conscious, just as I am raising my own consciousness. I have benefited hugely from the wisdom of some wonderful spiritual teachers and really wanted to pass some of that wisdom on – but in a new way. I wanted to bring a more spiritual approach to career change and help people integrate their working lives with their spiritual lives. It is my dearest wish that anyone who reads my book might awaken to a deeper understanding of who they truly are, and align their working life with greater peace, purpose and prosperity, just as I have been blessed to do.
What were your biggest challenges with writing You’re Here For A Reason?
Certain parts of the book felt a little ‘heavier’ and less joyful to write. This included what I call the ‘business end’ of the book – the more traditional career coaching elements such as identifying skills and goals and creating action plans. I had to dig deep and see the bigger picture and remember why those sections were in the book.
I think the biggest challenge was dealing with an element of perfectionism and the impending sense that, at some point, I would have to let my book go to print. At the very end of the writing process, I found myself in a loop of proofreading and tweaking which seemed never-ending. Luckily, I had a very understanding publisher and typesetter who made the process a little easier!
What was your research process for You’re Here For A Reason?
The research basis for my book was a combination of three things:
- My one-to-one coaching work – Over the past three years there has been a definite pattern to what my clients have presented with (i.e. the desire for more purpose and fulfilment) and also to the things which have held them back (i.e. fears, limiting thought patterns, low self-worth, overthinking, lack of clarity and confidence). Over time, I have come to deeply understand their needs. I have created and applied a coaching method which has enabled them to transform their situation. Hearing their feedback and details of the changes they were then able to make gave me the confidence and belief that my method worked. I share a number of different client stories in the book which I hope will inspire others to make similar changes.
- My own personal experiences – Having been through three major career changes and two spiritual awakenings, I also had a deep personal awareness of what it takes to transform and how challenging it can be, but also the joy and fulfilment which lies on the other side. I share a lot of these personal experiences in the book to bring certain concepts to life and to hopefully demonstrate empathy to my reader. The methods I use have been personally tried-and-tested to get me to this point of purpose and fulfilment in my own career.
- Other career and spiritual texts – I have been reading personal development books for the whole of my adult life, and I have been guided and supported by them both spiritually and career-wise. There are certain texts such as A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles which have inspired me and provided me with an in-depth understanding of certain key topics and concepts which have also proved instrumental in my own life.

How did you plan the structure of You’re Here For A Reason?
The basic structure of the book was born out of the natural sequence of events for what I refer to as a Career Alignment Journey. So, the first part of the book is about ‘preparing the way’ – getting into the right headspace to begin this journey. It then made sense to go deep into the heart of the book’s central topic by exploring the different types of purpose. Part three is then about the detail of what the reader needs to know in order to get greater clarity on what their purpose is. The final part is then about drawing everything together and creating some focus with a set of goals and a plan of action.
Alongside this, there was also an aspect of the structure which emerged intuitively as I was writing it. I had to tune into what a reader might need, versus a coaching client who I could explain things to.
Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did You’re Here For A Reason need?
Yes, I did have an editor who sense-checked the structure of the book as well as the copy itself. As I got closer to completion, there were further versions which I edited myself.
What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a book?
I found a great piece of writing software called Reedsy which was brilliant in helping me map out and navigate the different chapters and parts. I also drafted an idea for the front cover on Canva which got me excited and helped me visualise the end product. (I ended up working with a designer on the final cover, which I would ultimately recommend.)
Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?
Yes, I would love to bring a more conscious and spiritual approach to setting up and growing your own business. It feels like a natural move on from my first book. For anyone who reads the first book and discovers that their purpose involves being self-employed, it will give them a way of going about it which is similarly in alignment with who they are. Growing my own business in a way which feels congruent with who I am has been a journey (and still is). I feel I have a lot to share on this topic and can tap into my business background too.
And, finally, are you proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?
I’m not sure I would use the word ‘proud’ actually! I would say more fulfilled. To finally be able to scratch this long-standing itch and to feel like I am realising my potential is hugely rewarding in and of itself, however many copies I might sell. And so, I would definitely say it has been worth the effort. Not just because of the end result, but the joy I have experienced along the way of being able to live out my dream.
Pop all your book, website and social media links here so the readers can find you:
My website is:
You can order my book via this link:
And you can connect with me through these channels:
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