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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best entertainment eBook magazine UK“, author Rajwant Kaur shares what inspired her to write her Mish Mash of genres, emotions, and ideas, in a playful exploration of thought and identity through words and images.
I interviewed Rajwant Kaur about her life and career, the inspiration behind her latest book, Mish Mash, and her creative writing process.
My name is Raj Kaur. I am a British Indian, born and bred in East London. I love travel, philosophy, and the exploration of diversity through cultural and traditional experiences.
I am a Teacher of Religious Studies, with a background in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. I feel privileged to be able to work with young people to reach their fullest academic potential, as well as their social and emotional development. My years working in education have been incredibly rewarding and heart-warmingly colourful!
Writing and art are two of my passions. The combination of the two are an incredibly powerful tool of expression and delivery to reach out to my audience. Art coupled with words; I think opens up accessibility to a diversity of audiences.
I first wanted to write a book in my twenties. I had the idea of some wonderful children’s fictional characters which I had merged with the topic of environmental awareness, a topic I feel passionately about.
I have been writing since childhood. This began with children’s fiction and poetry. My ambition was one day to publish my work.
I first had the idea for my first book, ‘Elements’ when I was around twenty. It began with an initial idea for a group of fictional characters which I merged with the idea of environmental awareness. A topic I was passionate about from a young age. I was very excited with the initial ideas of these environmentally based characters, which led me to develop a whole fictional world of the ‘Element Civilisations.’
I played around with the idea, but never actually got down to putting the story together until over 10 years later! Lockdown was the year where I brought together the completion of my first book, ‘Elements.’
My latest book, ‘Mish Mash’ was a long and collaborative process! I had the initial idea of the book in my early twenties. Initially I wanted to record experiences of women from a range of cultural and societal perspectives. However, the book never really progressed from the initial idea until around, over 10 years on. It was finally completed in 2024.
The initial reason behind writing my, latest book ‘Mish Mash’ was first as a result of learning of various experiences of women from a variety of backgrounds. These were predominantly, challenging experiences, which women had experienced as a result of cultural, traditional and societal expectations.
As a woman in her early twenties, full of passion a drive and a fiery want to raise awareness and change on so many issues, feminism being one of them, I wanted to record these experiences.
The biggest challenge in writing ‘Mish Mash’ was the personal challenge of the perspective from which I would deliver my message to my audience. The initial idea if ‘Mish Mash’ came from a young woman who was angered by negative experiences of women in society. Many years on, I came to a point of putting my ideas down on paper. I was now in my late thirties, having built a substantial bank of life experiences; which led me to really think about how I wanted to portray these experiences.
My own life experiences had led me to know the importance of sharing experiences, but what was fundamentally important, was the expression of positivity and strength over the emotions of anger and frustration, which at times I, had been overridden by.
Live, learn and write!
‘Mish Mash’ begins with an introduction to identity, moving on through an exploration of change which takes place through experience. Ending with a positive note through the emergence of strength, resilience and growth.
I took advice from a number of people in editing by book. These people ranged from, friends, colleagues, to family. A range of advice was taken as ‘Mish Mash’ is about experiences, which is why a range of perspectives was essential to paint the fullest picture which I wanted to convey.
My most valued editor however, has to be my sister. A fountain of knowledge, understanding and experience and an expert writer. I would have been lost without her!
Write what feels good to you, not what you think others want to read.
Words are an expression of emotion. All words will connect to someone…
Future writing ideas include an ongoing exploration of experiences…
Writing ‘Mish Mash’ was an accomplishment for so many reasons. It was a journey of personal growth and understanding as well as connecting people through experience.
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