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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, author L. M. Jones shares the inspiration behind her new crime thriller book, North Run, and her creative writing process.
I interviewed L. M. Jones about her life and career, what inspired her to start writing, and the story of her new novel, North Run.
Who am I? That often depends on the day of the week. I’m always a mother – grandmother – wife in a long standing and happy marriage. Once a nurse working in mental health – now I’m a passionate writer with a love of fantasy, magic and crime. Born in South Wales, I reside in West Yorkshire where it rains just as frequently.
I must have been about ten. I can remember hiding under my bedcovers with a torch, reading and dreaming of the stories I would write.
The dream to write my own books has always been there but, in 2012 I took the leap and joined a Writers group in Doncaster and never looked back.
It felt like forever, in reality about two years before my first novel for older children A Fistful of Feathers was released.
North Run is a world away from the six children’s novels I’ve written. The idea began to develop during the latter part of 2020 and was released in December 2022.
I needed to challenge myself and, I’ve always been an avid reader of Crime fiction. The idea for the book came out of several chilling reports about child trafficking.
How to write an enthralling, fictitious novel about such a gruesome subject without turning it into a blood bath or a sermon
I wanted the focus of the series to be about the crimes, the day to day battle with getting things done. Sarah Allerton is a senior detective working in what is still viewed as a male dominated profession. She’s resilient – hard when she needs to be and, freely admits that her strong, personal relationship with Freya her partner is what keeps her sane. Not unlike many of the women I’ve met over the years.
Trying to stay clear of stereotypes was my first difficulty. Inspector Mike Lawson, Sarah’s adversary within the police station, was based on a particularly unpleasant man I worked with many years ago.
The disappearance of a fifteen-year-old Lee Wiggins from a children’s home kicks everything off.
I did both – The main plot – the disappearance of Lee, I’d sketched out and knew how it would end. A couple of the secondary character roles grew as I wrote. – Detective Mike Lawson’s role for instance became far more intense than I’d originally planned.
I work as an independent author and publisher, however, I always have a professional edit my work. Grammar is my Achilles heel so there is always a fair amount of editing.
Pick up a notebook or keyboard and write. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, whether it’s a couple of paragraphs or a short story. Write for yourself and always try to read your work out loud. My husband frequently thinks I’m on the phone when in reality I’m reading back the last chapter I’d written.
My protagonist, Sarah Allerton is about to be thrown into a succession of baffling crimes. Hacking on a grand scale – the murder of a colleague’s mother. Shattered Web leaps into action from the first page. – Sarah barely has time to breathe as the incidents mount up. Shattered Web is almost complete and should be out before Christmas 2023.
Yes, I am proud of the seven books I’ve published so far. Was it worth the sleepless nights, cramping fingers – the building anxiety while waiting for the editor to comment? Absolutely. Opening that first box with my latest book inside is one of the best feelings in the world.
The Oozing Magic series – 7-10 years
The Fraser Chronicles 10 years +
North Run (L.M Jones)
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