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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best entertainment eBook magazine UK“, author Jan Byron Strogh talks about his new book, Act Of God: In The Beginning, in which a dying Earth forces humanity to build a starship, the Ark, to seek salvation on a distant planet, while sacrificing their old religions to unite and survive.
Written by JJ Barnes
Interviewed Jan Byron Strogh about his life and career, what inspired the story of his new book, Act Of God: In The Beginning, and his creative writing process.
Tell me a bit about who you are.
I am Jan Byron Strogh. Upon becoming a author I was told that some would be interested in the person behind the book(s). Many will find this next statement hard to understand. I don’t want to speak for my books. I want them to speak for themselves. Being that my genera is science fiction and one of my themes is artificial intelligence I wanted to allow AI to speak for me in some manner. I chose the character AMIE in my Act of God series to accomplish this. Embodied in my books and in my character AMIE is my message about the human spirit.
But I wish it understood that AI was not used in any way to generate my story or characters.
Otherwise: The mundane stuff: I am a graduate of electronics and computer science. I have always been fascinated by what makes machines and people tick.
When did you first WANT to write a book?
I have always been a writer, but I had to make a decision to become an author. For me writing has always been a way to codify my thoughts and ideas about the future of the humanity and technology. It’s my way of understating the world. In a sense it’s my way of getting the story straight. But developing this story didn’t come with a desire or goal of telling it to the world. I first felt I wanted to write a book when it felt time to share my thoughts with the world.
When did you take a step to start writing?
I think my first step toward writing came with my first PC with a word processor program. Prior to that my stories were all in my head. When I finally could afford a computer and a real real keyboard it was like an ink dam had burst onto paper.
How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?
Very good question. The actual writing process took about a year. But allow me to qualify this. The story idea had been in my head for a long time. I began to put it on paper in 2012. I was finished by 2013 but I did not decide to publish it until ten years later. Once again, for me its the difference between being a writer and an author.
What made you want to write Act Of God: In The Beginning?

I wanted to tell the world something. There are many possible futures for humanity; some hopeful and some grim. But in each possible future, no matter how fanciful, there are common and consistent themes and ideas that remain, like the bulk of an ice burg, below conscious visibility. The series Act of God is my way of bringing the invisible to consciousness. I hope my readers will see not only themselves but the whole of humanity in my characters and story.
What were your biggest challenges with writing Act Of God: In The Beginning?
A very good question. I found many challenges. Please let me quality. The themes and idea have never been a problem. For me the technology of science fiction is an exploration of the possible. I wanted the technical ideas I used in Act of God to be plausible for the reader. To accomplish this I drew upon my background in computer science and electronics and a love a physics. But even this was a labor of enjoyment and passion.
Another challenge was the business of becoming an author. By this I mean the process of putting my story into production and publication. There is a costly bureaucracy in the world of publishing. I know it’s necessary and I guess that’s just the way things work, but it can take the fun out of becoming an author.
Who or what inspired you when creating your Protagonist?
There is more than one protagonist in Act of God Book 1 and more to come as the series develops. There is no single person that formed the basis for any of them. The best description is this. They are a collage of the feelings and behaviors that make us human. This description works for the human protagonists. I also explore the realm of artificial intelligence in my characters. For this I draw on something completely different; my vision of what intelligent beings, not limited by corporeal evolution my become.
Who or what inspired you when creating your Antagonist?
At the risk of sounding redundant.
There is more than one antagonist in Act of God Book 1 and more to come as the series develops. There is no single person that formed the basis for any of them. The best description is this. They are a collage of the feelings and behaviors that make us human. This description works for the human antagonists. I also explore the realm of artificial intelligence in my characters. For this I draw on something completely different; my vision of what intelligent beings, not limited by corporeal evolution my become.
What is the inciting incident of Act Of God: In The Beginning?
Humans have a tendency to deny things that might disadvantage them in the short term but could destroy them in the future. Climate change is one of these things. In Act of God, some few humans are forced to accept that climate change will destroy civilization. These people must act to preserve what can be preserved of humanity.
What is the main conflict of Act Of God: In The Beginning?
An excellent question:
Answer: The eternal conflict between good and evil. But not just in how we act; in how we define them.
Did you plot Act Of God: In The Beginning in advance, or fly by the seat of your pants and write freely?
The main plot line was fully developed as is the series. But there were and are several sub plots that emerged as the story was transferred from passion to paper.
Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did Act Of God: In The Beginning need?
Spelling and grammar editing came from a number of proof readers. There was no plot editing or collaboration of any kind.
What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a story?
This is a very good and interesting question and my answer must differ depending on whether a person is writing a fiction of not.
If not writing fiction then you are describing real events. In this case my advice is: Be truthful. It’s easy to spin the truth of events to fit an agenda. Tell the unvarnished truth and let the reader decide.
If writing fiction, then there is only one thing you need to write a story (passion). If you have passion for your story then the labor of actually putting characters to paper, and the cost and bureaucracy of publishing, will simply become steps on the path rather than road blocks.
Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?
Act of God Book 1 In the Beginning, is the first in a six book series that follows the same story and themes.
And, finally, are your proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?
Absolutely worth the effort.
Am I proud? I had a hard time answering this. Act of God Book 1 is complete and available. For me this is a defined accomplishment. But there are more books to come. I will only have a sense of fulfillment when the series is complete.
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