Author Interview – Inderpreet Kaur – Eternal Life: S-Cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers

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Written by JJ Barnes

I interviewed author Inderpreet Kaur about her life, what inspires her, and the work that went into her new book, S-Cube.

Tell me a bit about who you are.

I am a hungry pythoness on the prowl for Eternal Truth… like a serpent I shed mortal skins to experience nothingness, the concept of ‘shunya’/zero in Sanskrit, to see what is the Obvious …

When did you first WANT to write a book?

You will be surprised to know that writing does not begin when you start writing but much before. The material for the story starts from our first experience since we started observing.

I sincerely hope you enjoy my memento for an Eternal Life: s-cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers – Another platitudinous Upanishad. In the beginning it might seem boring but still stick with it, as I promise that the interesting part starts from the line that comes after the next line!

When did you take a step to start writing?

Surprisingly I do… I was ten years then and a story writing competition was held in our school. Then I had also participated and wrote a story about a Lion in a cage based on the themes presented on the Black board. I felt humbled when I got a prize…

How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?

After a longest pregnancy period ever of seven years

How long did it take you to complete your latest book from the first idea to release?

Even if I have written just one book, I still feel that I am qualified to answer this question because the output of one book should be counted as really four books! hehehe…

What made you want to write S-Cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers?

When I started this endeavor in September of 2021 my passion for Existentialism and Bhakti Yog drove me to creating a literary masterpiece ‘s-cube’, start a community of Mast-mast Mayuri believers, etc. Now I serve customers all over the whole world with translated versions of the book in all major languages and is thrilled by the opportunity of sharing my passion with you-all.

What were your biggest challenges with writing S-Cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers?

All doubts vanish, when in the morning I like to first get into a Yog mudra/posture folded just as a baby does in a mother’s womb. Now the thoughts that come to me are those goals that I want to work for, today with hope for a better tomorrow…

What was your research process for S-Cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers?

Like I have said before, I believe that the research starts from the very first moment after jumping out of mother’s womb and the Observation Process begins!

How did you plan the structure of S-Cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers?

You are in me, and I am in you, so who better than me to not understand your constant insatiable appetite for entertainment from every moment to moment so therefore unlike most narratives who like to structure their presentation as it progresses with time, I too use this approach, but just not in the traditional monolithic style. I add Masala spice in it by making it a hybrid by crossing it with an event-driven structure!

Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did S-Cube, Seduction of the Seducer of Seducers need?

Microsoft Word’s proofing Tools were a great help.

What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a book?

When you start it may seem like this endeavor will never end but still stick with it as the most reliable Friend Time will come…

Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?

I would like to continue investing my time in writing my dear diary that is the best friend I have!

And, finally, are your proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?

The answer to your Question is in the Sub-title of my book – A memento for an Eternal Life …  

Pop all your book, website and social media links here so the readers can find you:

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