Author Interview – Helena Philippou – 30 Day Practice For Becoming The Best Version Of You

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Written by JJ Barnes

I interviewed life coach and author Helena Philippou about her career, her writing process, and her latest self help book, 30 Day Practice For Becoming The Best Version Of You.

Tell me a bit about who you are.

My name is Helena Phil, I am a Leo and a Dragon in Chinese astrology.

I am also a converted Buddhist and a Vegan having not eaten meat now for over 30 years!

I am a fully accredited Personal Trainer; with my Personal Training, I like to preach facts, I am not about fad diets and 90-day challenge’s; my approach is based on the long run and strongly know it’s essential to train both, Body & Mind. This comes through my own personal experience of once weighing 15 stones. Through my work from over the years, I not only brought out the best versions in people, I made them into the ultimate versions they were intended to be.

I am also a Life Coach specializing in Personal Development, General Life Coaching, Health & Wellbeing, Mindset Coaching and Spiritual Coaching.

I love working out, teaching various classes basically the job I do I just love it!

I am also an author to 3 books and blog, write articles on the subject; Health, Wellbeing, Mindset & Fitness.

I have no filter with my points, but I also respect other people’s views, I am about keeping it real and saying it like its meant to be, some respect me some don’t, I just send love!

I love learning and have an addiction to books especially on the subjects, Health, Mindset, Buddhism, Human Mind to self-improvement books, just don’t ask me how many books I have read as there has been too many!

I love travelling and have been to a few lovely countries, and have more on my list to go in the near future.

Helena Philippou, author of 30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You

I am spiritual and also a student of ‘The Course of Miracles”, I also meditate and chant a lot, my poor neighbours!!

I can’t deal with negative people, and I prefer animals and children to some adults!

When did you first WANT to write a book?

From a young age I was always writing poetry and was very creative, I enjoyed writing songs and even wrote the screen play for my group storyline for my GCSE’S exam.

Back then there wasn’t any platforms like there is now to self-publish, but in the back of my mind I wanted to be an author and the dream is to be a well-recognized one, to a film or documentary being made based on my writings, that’s next on my lists.

When did you take a step to start writing?

After building my website I blogged a lot on Health, Wellbeing & Mindset, through this my blogs were reaching out to audiences a lot. I was asked to write frequently for several health & wellbeing sites, and it went as far as reaching the USA audience.

Through speaking with people, a lot were using age as an excuse to not leading a healthy lifestyle and they didn’t know what to eat was the other delusion. That’s when I decided to write 2 eBooks the first one entitled (Forty, Fit & Fabulous-The Mindset Edition) explaining why you procrastinate and what to do to change it to lead that healthy Lifestyle. This then led to my second eBook entitled (Forty, Fit & Fabulous-The Nutrional Guide), offering nutrition advice and healthy recipes with tips in succeeding. 

Though, the titled I used was ‘Forty, Fit & Fabulous’, I used myself as an example it can be done and me being 41 at the time turning that year 42, it did slip my mind questioning the title a little, as I wanted to aim it for the younger and forty upwards, as a result a lot of people purchased it that were younger as well as forty and upwards, so I was happy it paid off in the end.

How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?

It took me roughly 10 months to write both eBooks, the challenge was more on fitting the format to Amazon standards for eBook viewing but I got there in the end.

Helena Philippou

I left the second eBook for a couple of months before releasing!

The knowledge was always there, as I have heaps of notes throughout my years learning on nutrition, mindset, health and fitness

How long did it take you to complete your latest book from the first idea to release?

My third book entitled ‘30-Day Practice to becoming the best Version of you’ was a tough one to write for me. This was based at the time where my late father was constantly in and out of hospital from 2016 till 2020, most of the time my life was pretty much on paused button, knowing I wouldn’t have long with him I wanted to spend every moment creating beautiful memories with him.

I began writing 30-day practice towards the start of 2018, but ended up publishing it in 2019, whilst at my father bedside I had my laptop and would write away when he was resting was the only way to finish.

 I was also prepping for a Body Building competition that year in 2019 so it was a tough one for me but I got there in the end.

Focusing on your latest release. What made you want to write 30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You?

Because I am a strong believer in training both ‘Body & Mind’, my transformation began with mindset.

You know the old saying, ‘Once you change your mindset, then you can change you’. I wanted to highlight to people the importance of becoming the best version of you is a stage where the individual acknowledges they have qualities that need to be addressed in order to mature so as they can strive to the path of excellence. What better way than a practice they can do with all the guideline placed for them!

What were your biggest challenges with writing 30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You?

As well as nursing my late father, I am also Dyslexic and Dyscalculia. I find it harder with numbers than with letters, but sometimes lettering can be a handful. I never got helped with either my Dyslexia nor Dyscalculia when I was at school as this was not recognized. It only came about years later when this disorder resurfaced, I decided to get tested, luckily, I had a close friend who was trained in this field who carried out the tests for me, which was a relief as I thought I was stupid.

What was your research process for 30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You?

30-day practices were based on over 5 years research that I had applied years back on myself before I used it with my clients. It’s based on spiritual learnings I have mastered over years and still till this day practice on myself and my clients. I am also a converted Buddhist and part of its principles is based on living in the present moment, supposed to worrying about your future and still living in the past. By practicing this method, you grow as an individual acknowledge mistakes made in the past and correct to enjoy your future.

The method truly works if followed preciously and it’s been a game changer for several people who have purchased a copy and practiced it.

30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You by Helena Philippou

How did you plan the structure of 30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You?

I will be honest I didn’t with my 2 eBooks I didn’t place a structure as I had years of researched notes and just applied it as I went along, to me it naturally came what to place first and continue after. But with my third book, I had a structure in place based on how I would lay out my daily practices to my readers. For example; before I placed my daily practices, I highlight how the mind can play tricks on you and the signs to look for. This then concluded to looking at your surroundings and lifestyle and it concluded from there in order to gear my readers to begin on a positive note when they got to the daily practices.

Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did 30 Day Practice To Becoming The Best Version Of You need?

I had no support what so ever and I am glad I done this to; I remember Somone making a comment to me saying I couldn’t write a book as I have dyslexia, well I proved them wrong, but more importantly I proved to myself I could and I will. Ok, some of the grammar in my book wasn’t up to scratch but at least my readers where able to read it and get a grasp of my teachings and that’s more important to me than someone negative opinion.

Also, when I plugged my book, I made it known I had dyslexia so as I can encourage others with the same disorder to not let themselves be held back in doing so.

Instant Grammar Checker - Correct all grammar errors and enhance your writing.

What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a book?

  • If you want to write a book just do it, you never know it could be a best seller, made into a movie or a documentary
  • Don’t listen to others negative comments
  • Believe you can write a book and focus
  • Set some time a side when you’re writing with no distractions
  • Put away your phone to switching it off so you don’t get distracted
  • Take advantage of the self-publishing platforms out there
  • Your story could inspire or help others, ‘sharing is caring’
  • If you have dyslexia don’t let it hold you back, I didn’t why you should you be any different
  • Practice makes perfect keep going

Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?

Yes, the next book I am currently writing is a follower up from my last book ‘30-day practice to becoming the best version of you’. From bringing out your best qualities and version in an individual, it’s all about becoming the Ultimate version, which is the person who has surpassed acknowledging the best version and strives to high standards. It’s based on my teaching I put in place when Life Coaching & Personal Training.

After that my 5th book, well let’s just say it’s based on gym life with a lot of humor, but one step at a time lol!

And, finally, are your proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?

Absolutely, the fact I am dyslexic and wrote 3 eBooks and 1 paperback, but the fact my father was alive to see it was just priceless

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