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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best entertainment eBook magazine UK“, George E. Kellogg talks about his new book, Count Dracwolfensteintep, in which Frankenstein monster’s quest for a soul to marry his girlfriend leads to a chaotic adventure involving Egyptian tombs, body-swapping monsters, and a fight to save the world.
Written by JJ Barnes
I interviewed George E. Kellogg about his life and career, the inspiration behind his new book, Count Dracwolfensteintep, and his creative writing process.
My name is George Elbert Kellogg. My two pen names are “George E. Kellogg” or “George E. Kellogg, MSSM.”
I use my name with the middle initial because there are other writers out there named “George Kellogg”.
The “MSSM” refers to my educational credentials. I hold a Master’s degree in the Science of Security Management. I use “MSSM” on all of my researched, nonfiction works.
I was born in Ohio, USA and I have lived all over the country. I moved to Arizona at age 15 with my parents and 4 siblings. Then I served in the ministry in the Seattle, Washington area. I later moved my wife and family to Colorado, then to Utah. I was divorced in Utah, then remarried in Utah and my wife and I migrated to Montana for health reasons, where we currently live. I have also traveled to Mexico several times.
I was in the private security, health, safety and emergency medical fields for over 20 years. I still struggle with health issues. I spend much of my time writing and fishing.
I first wanted to write a book at ten years old. I took a stab at it, but soon abandoned the project. The desire to write a book never left me.
My first serious attempt at writing came to me in sort of a two-pronged desire. I wanted to write a book about my security career, and then my cousin Kelly Sheedy and I, who is credited on “Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor” started to write together, but abandoned the project.
At some point after my divorce, I began hanging out with a nice lady named Valerie. I showed her my security stories, about 40 pages worth, and I showed her the project that my cousin started. Valerie read them and then told me that people would love to read my security stories and I need to finish the Mr. Mentor project because it was “not fair to leave that poor teacher trapped in the floorboards like that.”
So I did. Then we got married.
I started CDWST in August and it was published about 4 months later.
I wrote it because I love the “Universal Movie Monsters”, I love movies by Mel Brooks, particularly “Young Frankenstein” and other horror comedies such as “The Addams Family”, “Hotel Transylvania” (children’s animated), “Transylvania 6-5000”, “Igor” (children’s animated) etc. I really enjoy slapstick humor and subtle gags. This book is full of that humor. If the reader does not understand references to things like “mercury tonics”, “leeches” and “doctors blowing smoke as a medical practice”, they need to Google search these to appreciate the humor.
I also enjoy other languages and cultures. I tried to be factually accurate with the names I used and the foods people eat in other lands. There is a constant thread of “good vs. evil” throughout the story, but I also wanted to teach about tolerance, understanding, getting along with different people, etc. These are sub themes of the book.
CDWST was a project that I took on purely by accident, as I will explain shortly. The biggest challenge I had while writing it was NO computer for me to use and finding a roomy place to write. I was in Montana seeing my alternative medical practitioner and I stayed in the apartment of friends. I slept on a small trundle bed meant for a child in a tiny room that was meant for storage.
I wrote the book on legal pads while sitting at the local McDonald’s. The story itself flowed; my challenges were logistical and emotional. I was lonely and the cramped living conditions were difficult. My wife finally joined me in Montana and then I had my computer once again. The process flowed after that.
I had SPINES (the world’s first technology-driven publishing platform, using AI to streamline the publishing process from start to finish) working with the “Emily” story already, then I took CDWST to them as well.
Ah yes! This is a great story. We have only one movie theater in LEWISTOWN, MONTANA. It is the historic JUDITH THEATER and it has only two screens. The theater was built in 1914 once housed Vaudeville acts, but then started with silent movies, then the “talkies”. The theater’s presentation methods grew with movie technology. I have always found that building to be inspirational, simply because of the “spirit” or the “feel” of the place. I can almost see the old acts that used to happen there.
So, one day I was standing around with my fellow movie nerds, who were all employees and managers of the theater. We started talking about the Universal Monster movies of Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman and the Mummy. I love the originals with Karloff, Lugosi, Chaney, and Karloff once again, respectively.
Then the guys and I started speculating about what would happen if, say, a werewolf’s soul took possession of Dracula, or if Dracula took possession of the Mummy, etc. Then someone, I forget who, said “WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF ALL OF THEM POSSESSED THE SAME BODY?”
I responded: “GUYS, WE HAVE A STORY HERE.” And eventually CDWST was born.
The antagonist Nabil Ur Thoth was inspired by a combination of Karloff’s Imhotep
AND an Hyborian-Age warlock from a “King Conan” comic I read in the late 70’s or early 80’s. It was from the “King Conan” universe. The warlock was “Thoth-Amon”.
Top that off with my study of Quantum Medicine and having Quantum Therapies applied to me here in Montana and you have the cutting-edge, insane character Nabil Ur Thoth.
Well, CDWST starts with the Frankenstein Monster, around the year 1900 or so, proposing marriage to his girl “Izzy” at a quaint little French eatery in Transylvania. Izzy refuses him because she belongs to a Gypsy witch’s coven whose High Priestess says that “Frankie” does not have a soul. He was re-vivified from dead people’s body parts and is not truly alive. Because of that the coven cannot bless a marital union between one of their own and this…Undead Creation that is neither fully human nor fully dead. Upon her refusal, which broke both of their hearts, Frankie finds Doctor “Doc” Frankenstein at Frankenstein’s Castle, where Frankie was “born”. He demands that the good doctor find him a soul so he can marry Izzy.
The main conflict occurs during their quest for Frankie’s soul. A medical and scientific genius who is willing to help has motivations that are less than noble. Frankie and Doc end up fighting in some terrible armed battles in a foreign land, all because of…etc.
Then, of course the monsters had to learn to get along inside the same body. At times, that conflict became quite funny. Wolf man wanted to run around the woods “mark his territory” and ruined Dracula’s best silk pants, etc.
Remember in the later movies of Harry Potter where he says (paraphrased here) “…even after our best laid plans, all h*** breaks loose?”
That is how my books usually go. I start out with some roughly outlined ideas. I present one idea in one sentence and move on to the other ideas, each in their own sentence. I intend to follow this outline, turning each sentence into a chapter, but it almost never goes that way.
My characters take on a mind of their own and sometimes even I don’t know why they do what they do. Sometimes, they will get themselves into a jam that causes me to write another 30 pages to unwind what they did!
So, I would say that I started out with a plan that usually crashed and burned, but then from the ashes came something even better!
SPINES helps with some proofreading and gives some guidance. My books usually don’t need a lot of true editing. I have become a fairly skilled editor of my own work. And I am getting better at proofreading. SPINES is a huge support and does a good job.
I would say “Commit and do it.” Start with one sentence, then another, then another as a rough outline of what you would like the story to be. Then start to write and don’t be afraid to let the story become its own creation. Don’t get too caught up in your original purpose or storyline. Abandon the outline as needed to accomplish the true purpose of your book. You may not even know the true purpose of the book until you have written the whole thing.
“Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor” (EGMM) parts 1 and 2 has two prequel stories: “Rise from the Ashes” parts 1 and 2. “And Then” parts 1 and 2 These books tell how the found document that became EGMM was recovered and how it was finally published into book form.
“The Scorpion Effect: A Guide to Narcissistic Abuse” is already published.This book is a primer for someone who has experienced, may be experiencing, or who wishes to avoid narcissistic abuse. It is a self-help book, but is written in an entertaining story format about an immortal frog (named “Frog the Immortal”) who educates a fisherman on narcissistic abuse, on the condition that the fisherman presents his story to the world. It is informative and the intent is to educate the reader in an engaging fashion. A glossary of terms is included. This could be the most “important” book I have written.
THEN…I will soon publish “The Accidental Artist”. This novel is about a man with a seizure disorder. He takes up “art therapy” to help with the PTSD that causes his seizures. When he has a seizure in his left arm that causes his hand to move, he grabs a pencil and draws. What accidentally emerges, all on its own, is a portrait. Then another, and another. The problem is that each portrait he draws is of a murder victim…
Oh yes, I am quite…um…not “proud” as in “my stuff is better than yours”, but I do feel quite accomplished and humbled that I am able to present entertaining stories to the world that also present moral messages to the reader. The reader may take my stories at their face value, simply enjoy them and move on, or the reader may seek the deeper meaning I have hidden within each story.
It is worth the effort. My only regret is that I did start publishing sooner. But, then again, my life experiences have added richness to my writing that would otherwise have been absent had I not waited until now to start.
Well, I don’t really have social media or website links yet. But I do have an email: I encourage any and all questions/inquiries
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