Author Interview – Francis Perdue – Life Is In Session

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Written by JJ Barnes

I interviewed author and entrepreneur France Perdue about her career, her inspiration, and her new book, Life Is In Session.

Tell me a bit about who you are.

Francis Perdue, author of Life Is In Session

I am publicist and a serial entrepreneur that loves to help people. From a child I have always wanted to guide others. My mother tells the story of me entering school and her dropping me off crying and me telling her, “It’s ok mommy I’ll be just fine.” Then I turned to a crying child to soothe them saying, “It’s ok your mommy and daddy will be back, let’s go and play and have fun today.” Growing up a Navy Brat and only child to two southern parents I grew up in a strict environment and was taught southern values.

My parents were great examples of stick-to-itiveness. My mother went from running a beverage shack on The Long Beach Naval Station Base to running the whole BX/PX which was a military mall. My father went from being military personnel, MP, military police, to becoming a Phd in Clinical Psychology.  I am the best of both of them. A go getter, hustler and people person are what I would describe myself as. My loves are food, philanthropy and helping people with their businesses.

Today, my life is dedicated to assisting others with their businesses through helping them gain publicity for their companies, consulting on business matters and through attaining assets through acquisitions.

When did you first WANT to write a book?

I first wanted to write a book when I felt like it was going to be therapeutic for me to get my thoughts down after my mother passed in 2019. My mother stopped wanting to live and even with willing her back to good health she still chose to not do the work afterwards to stay well. The journey of care giving lead me to reflect on who I am, the goals I met, the dreams I accomplished and what led me to complete all the things I went after. When packing up some things I noticed that I wrote things down for years and used affirmations, my faith, my tribe, and coaches to get through life’s largest challenges. In 2020, I set out to write my first journal/book.

When did you take a step to start writing?

I saw a colleague write a journal and was inspired by it.  She referred me to a person who formulated journals for publish. I wrote a journal that read like a book after that. My goal was to inspire people to keep going. I sat down and the lady who was helping me to format and publish through Amazon actually put a framework that asked questions and I started answering them. I made the first step by visualizing what I wanted to have my book look like.

How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?

From the first idea to release it took me three (3) months to write my journal. I started off answering questions, then formatting the chapters and thinking about what I wanted the reader to get out of the book. Then, I went through my trials and tribulations and started making chapters and themes to help the readers. Then it went through a couple of edits. Then formatting and release to Amazon.

What made you want to write Life Is In Session?

I wanted to write this book because I wanted to help people overcome challenges. Looking back on everything I had been through I decided it deserved a purge. My accomplishments were met with challenges and my life had it’s share of trials but people have helped me along the way. My journey and everyone’s journey deserves to be documented especially if it can help others persevere.

What were your biggest challenges with writing Life Is In Session?

My biggest challenges with writing the book were surrounded around how much of myself did I want to reveal to the world. Some tragedies have been very public and others not so much. I do not if being a publicist gives me a perspective of what to say and not say in public, but it definitely guided my choices on what to reveal to my audience at first. In the re-write I decided to let it all out because the thought of me not allowing someone to feel like they are not alone was not good for me.

Who or what inspired you when creating your Protagonist?

Life and tragedy were the protagonist of my story. Tragedies like my mother being stabbed by my father my senior of high school or the discrimination I received after that when being pulled over to see how my mother was doing while a cop was writing me a ticket or the betrayal of family members before and after my mother died.

Who or what inspired you when creating your Antagonist?

Life Is In Session, Francis Perdue

My will and determination to live and overcome was the antagonist for the journal. Knowing that I overcame so much allows me to be open in an opportunity for others to live and learn they are not alone in going through trials and tribulations.

What is the inciting incident of Life Is In Session?

The exciting incident of my book are the pivots from being a child with choices made for me to place me in fight or flight mode, taking a leap of faith, leaving the educational field, and becoming a Publicist/Talent Manager/Business Consultant and becoming a restaurant owner.

What is the main conflict of Life Is In Session?

The main conflict is the overcoming of childhood tragedy and becoming a pilar of society. Having your future being told to you for years till your young adult years then having it shatter in front of you is devastating. The picture of what your family represented and to see it shatter because of lies and betrayal is a major conflict throughout the journal.

Did you Life Is In Session in advance, or fly by the seat of your pants and write freely?

This was a fly by the seat of my pants, and I wrote it freely. I did not think at first that my life was deserving of being talked about, but I changed my mind and focused on what it could do for others to hear triumph.

Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did Life Is In Session need?

I am actually doing a re-write because the editing I thought was there was not. The book went through at least 3 edits by me but my suggestion is to have someone credible look at your book and pay for editing if need be, so you do not have to reedit.

What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a story?

Lol, I am not an expert in writing books, but I learned a thing or two by helping people protect their IP in entertainment. Learn from my mistakes by doing the following:

Start writing your theme down first. What do you want the person reading it to receive from your work? Write in completion, do not jump around to lose whatever you chose to be your theme when you are writing. Please take your time you are only competing with yourself. Be open to criticism. If three (3) people are telling you the same critiques it may need editing or revising.

Involve your potential audience when you do finish your writing. Do publicity for your book. Give updates on your book. Use your sphere of influence. Create a newsletter about you and/or your brand/book etc. Do create social media platforms to promote and interact with your audience. Do a reading and book signing.

If you are publishing through Amazon, please note, get your Author copies at the discounted rate and sell those books with an “author signing” and ship out on your own. You make more money that way. Amazon pays a 30-40% split on your books. Do a digital version of the book to make more of a split.

Join the expansion program so your book can go to other outlets like Walmart. Remember it’s not a get rich quick thing, you get paid quarterly except when you sell yourself.

Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?

I plan on actually telling the story of the tragedy with my family. I want to entitle it Bloodline but not sure of my tag line yet. I will go through the before, during and the aftereffects of the tragedy and give characters life by showing that your parents are human and can only give you what they have and attempt to give you what was missing in theirs.

And, finally, are your proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?

I am completely proud of my accomplishment. It was worth my initial investment and the simple part about knowing people actually have learned from my book and applied the knowledge warms my heart. This was eye opening, it taught me that people truly want to support you and what your project is. All you have to do is complete whatever it is and let your actions speak to your determination and people will follow your lead.

Pop all your book, website and social media links here so the readers can find you:

For Sale: Life Is In Session Accomplish The Life You Want With Daily Living

Amazon Life Is In Session: Accomplish The Life You Want With Daily Living: 9798657510089: Perdue, Francis: Books


Life Is In Session: Accomplish The Life You Want With Daily Living (Paperback) – –

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About The Author: Amazon Author Page:
Francis Perdue was born in Los Angeles, California with strong Alabama roots. She was born to Birmingham, Alabama natives Franklin R. Perdue, a Navy veteran who earned a Phd in Clinical Psychology and mother who ended up running the BX/PX, Navy Exchange. She grew up the first part of her childhood in Compton, California and remembers the diversity she experienced from her Navy Brat years. From eating Lumpia, walking to the corner candy store to seeing her babysitter smoke a pig in the ground.

Francis’ contributions in philanthropy and her work ethic in Entertainment Public Relations and Talent Management has deemed her a hot commodity in the Product Placement side of events and television & film. With 100 plus products placed for high end events, The Doctor’s TV Show and her annual FUSE Pre-ESPY Event Ms. Perdue added a products division to her company. Ms. Perdue’s the owner of Perdue Inc. (formerly PS Media Talent) has been a full-time publicist since 2009. Perdue inc. where she has several projects for inventions, restaurants, business consulting and branding is the staple of her business. Recently she held the position of The Director of Communications for My Beverages, a new water company, based in West Hollywood, California. Force Brands recognized the appointment of Ms. Perdue to My Beverages in 2019 as part of their “Movers and Shakers” newsletter that is recognized globally in the Food & Beverage World. After purchasing her franchise in 2018 she became determined to have the best experience for her location in Birmingham she was offered the position due to her experience in public relations and willingness to make experiences for owners easiest. In April 2019, she was appointed Director of Public Relations for Burgerim, which was one of the fastest growing burger franchises in the United States.

Currently, she has added Perdue Beauty to her repertoire of businesses under Perdue Inc. and expanded talent management to Influencers.

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Francis Perdue


Twitter: twitter.comfrannubian


Book: Life Is In Session Live The Life You Want With Daily Living



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