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On The Table Read, “The Best Book Reader Magazine in the UK“, Debra Berndt Maldonado shares details of her new self help book, Like A Spark From Fire.
Written by JJ Barnes
I interviewed author Debra Berndt Maldonado about her life and career, what inspires her writing, and the work that went into her new book, Like A Spark From Fire.
I started my career as a Marketing executive in the Entertainment and Tech Industry and left my corporate job in 2003 to start my own business. My inspiration came from my own personal struggles with relationships and finding my soulmate.
I loved personal growth and wanted to do something in that field. For the past 19 years, I’ve worked with thousands of people, helping them move beyond perceived limitations to express their true self.
I trained first as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and then became a Certified Coach. In 2012, my husband Robert Maldonado, Ph.D. and I joined forces and created CreativeMind, a Life Coaching Company that raises consciousness through a coaching system that blends the wisdom of the East and Jungian Psychology to help people create the life they want.
I knew I wanted to write a book since I was 9 years old. I wrote a lot of fiction stories as a child but then when I became an entrepreneur, I was inspired to get my first book published.
When I was 9 years old and all through my life, I was always writing stories. When I became an entrepreneur, I wrote articles and blog posts and eventually hired a book coach to help me stay accountable and write my first book proposal.
Five years for my first book because I went the traditional route of publishing with an agent and major publisher. My agent said the second book needed to be more “fluffy” to reach the mass markets for a publisher to pick it up. I decided to self-publish and start my own publishing company for “Like a Spark,” so I could write the book I wanted to write without the fluff. Once I decided to do it myself, the whole process took about 6 months.
I felt that all of the books on Jungian Psychology were academic or based on the therapy model. We train life coaches in our Jungian Coaching method. I wanted to create a step-by-step guide for any woman to get access to the work and begin the process.
Explaining complex psychological principles in simple language for lay people to understand.
It is based on our personal experience coaching thousands of people across the world in this method based on Carl Jung’s Individuation process and study of Vedanta non-dual philosophy.
It was pretty easy since we have taken so many people through the process. We just wrote the book in line with what we have taught for over ten years.
Yes, I hired a developmental editor and she had copy and line editors on her team. I didn’t need many drafts as I have written before and knew a lot about structure and had writing coaches in the past.
Hire a coach. You cannot do it on your own. Get your book professionally edited, cover designed. Invest in book marketing to generate sales. It is important to have a following or platform where you can market the book. Build your platform first, then write your book.
My husband and I are planning to write a book on relationships based on Jung’s concept of the Anima/Animus.
Yes, the graduates of our Coach Training program absolutely loved it and want to use it as a tool to share with their clients. I wanted to make it useful and helpful, and I accomplished that.
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