Author Interview – Tephra Miriam – A Monster Or A Microwave

3 years ago

Children's book and fantasy author Tephra Miriam talks to JJ Barnes about her writing process, motivation, and the advice she…

Writing From Depression To Determination

3 years ago

Benedicta Brefo, Official Bene, shares her motivation and experiences of writing her book, From Depression To Determination.

Author Interview – Terry Tyler – Megacity

3 years ago

Author Terry Tyler discusses her career, her writing style, her new book, Megacity, and the advice she has to inspire…

Insecurity Knocking At My Door – Poem by Corinna Turner

3 years ago

Poet Corinna Turner shares her original poem, Insecurity Knocking At My Door, on The Table Read.

Author Interview – Sabine Saadeh – Trading Love

3 years ago

Sabine Saadeh talks to JJ Barnes about her new book, Trading Love, what inspired it, and the advice she has…

How To Write Emotional Scars – Video

3 years ago

On the Siren Stories YouTube Channel, JJ Barnes talks about how to write emotional scars and why they will benefit…

Filmmaking With Ben Lord and Steve Keeble: After 82 – The Untold Story Of The AIDS Pandemic In The UK

3 years ago

Ben Lord and Steve Keeble talk to JJ Barnes about making their new documentary film; After 82 The Untold Story…

Author Interview – Sophia Moseley – Escaping Bohemia

3 years ago

Sophia Moseley describes her motivation and experiences behind her new book, Escaping Bohemia, and shares the advice she has for…

From Idea To Publication: Toastie Construction Manual

3 years ago

On The Table Read, Barny Luxmoore describes the creation of his cook book, The Toastie Construction Manual, and what inspired…

Author Interview – Angela Armstrong – The Unflinching Ash

3 years ago

On The Table Read, Angela Armstrong describes what inspired her to write her novel, The Unflinching Ash, and her journey…