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All About Scribble’s Worth Book Reviews

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Written by Julio Carlos

After realizing that most book review and promotion sites posted not a review, but just the book blurb or description along with the cover, biased reviews or even posted and promoted books that didn‘t have quality just because they were paid, it dawned upon me that they didn’t care about either the writer, or the reader but only the money.

These services did come in different shapes, flavours and sizes, but they ALWAYS had these in common:

Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on
  • Soullessly recommended books regardless of the quality
  • Worried about the money first and foremost
  • Charged high prices per an amateurish review and ineffective promotion, sometimes 30$+ for a 1 day promotion, Worried about reviewing already popular books, rejecting submissions of many talented, new and small press authors.

Resulting in 3 things:

  1. The writers never got the value for their money’s worth
  2. The readers got burned by being recommended with crappy books
  3. The writers got burned by having their books forgotten and mingled with others that didn’t have as much quality as theirs.

know this, because I was one of those writers. And one day, I was one of those who read the books that were recommended.

So, how’s Scribble’s Worth Reviews any different?

Here’s how:

1- Honestly, Passion & Precision

You get THE BEST, most honest and detailed reviews (that never give spoilers), written with soul and passion. Always.

2- Quality as a priority

We ONLY post reviews that are above a certain threshold of quality after making a strict, almost cynic, analysis of the book from start to finish in order to ensure that only the BEST books go through.

“(…) the reviews that we do get are just amazing, highest quality ever.”

Mickey Mickelson

“I adored the review I received for my short story collection. It was so refreshing to see someone had taken the time to really get into my writing, understanding beyond what was simply on the page and beginning to understand me as a writer.”


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

3- It’s all about the reader

We prioritize the reader, not the writer’s feelings. We review books in the reader’s shoes, but with the experience of a writer. If a book doesn’t give a great reading experience, or a valuable one, we don’t even finish the book, and we write a critique to the writer in question.

4- Love all-over

If a book receives a review from us, it’s because we whole-heartedly enjoyed it and if we enjoyed it, we will naturally and emphatically recommend it and sleep great at night knowing that people will love the book as much as we did.

“I’m biased because Julio enjoyed the three titles reviewed on Scribble’s Worth, but I enjoyed his conversational review style for its infectious enthusiasm and ability to sum up a book’s narrative without delving too much into spoiler territory.”

Steven McKinnon

5- We will recommend it to EVERYONE, and INDIVIDUALLY.

Seriously. We will make peer-to-peer recommendations, posts, and even podcasts about it. We will recommend to friends and followers every time we find appropriate, and that’s VERY often.

6- Money comes last. Literally.

As a writer, publisher, or agent, you will only pay AFTER we make the review and podcast, and not beforehand, and you only pay IF you want to and IF you are satisfied with the review the book got, but if you reviewed your book, it’s going to be a good review.

Photo by Luriko Yamaguchi on

7- You get MUCH more than what you pay for. ALWAYS.

You can expect your books to be promoted longer than the agreed period, get discounts and even EXTRAS without adding a cent on your bill. Because we are here to help make your book successful. YEs, that includes a personalized and friendly costumer service XD.

“ I especially enjoyed the friendliness Julio demonstrated when we were in contact and the fact that he seeks out indie authors who may not have the largest platform. I found Julio to be exceedingly professional and flexible throughout the reviewing process, and I could not be more pleased with the time and dedication he gave me. “

Matthew Johnson

We’ll, that’s a lot of features, but I have to tell you this: We are small, so we have our limitations in some aspects, and although we do our best to promote each and every book the best way we know, with the most effective techniques we know, the buying decision lays in the hands of the final costumer, the reader.
Review spots during the month are booked fast, so, you might want to contact me before the month ends.

Here’s what our clients have said:

Guy Walton

“I’d like to thank Mr. Carlos on his perspective of my children’s climate book. World of Thermo…Thermometer Rising. I’m so glad to know that another professional critic has come to the conclusion that the following goals were met in the writing of this first book: Easy to read stories. The book is written in short-story fashion with scientific explanations to it with cool reality checks on the end of each story. CONSISTENT storytelling. GREAT characters. Good emotional atmosphere. Attention to detail SPLENDID and CLEAR-CUT illustrations. Top tier stuff.

Books Reviewed: “The World of Thermo

Randy Gerritse

For my fellow authors who have a book out, if you’re looking for some promotion of your work, check out Julio
and his Scribbles Worth website. He promoted my work for free after an interview (with a passion) but he has very reasonable fees for his professional services.”

Reference Tweet.

Book Reviewed: The Rhythm of Life

Mickey Mikkelson

“SW Reviews have been an incredibly positive experience.  We have worked with them for approximately two months and Julio Carlos has been attentive, professional, and my clients are loving the results we are getting with his reviews. The fact that the reviews are placed on multiple platforms only creates more buzz overall, and the reviews that we do get are just amazing, highest quality ever.  Creative Edge is looking forward to continuing a long-term relationship!!!!!”

Publicist at Creative Edge

Steven McKinnon
– “I’m biased because Julio enjoyed the three titles reviewed on Scribble’s Worth, but I enjoyed his conversational review style for its infectious enthusiasm and ability to sum up a book’s narrative without delving too much into spoiler territory. Julio puts his points across succinctly, and doesn’t shy away from constructive criticism. I definitely intend on utilising Scribble’s Worth to boost the signal the next time I have a launch.

Books Reviewed: “The Fury Yet To Come“// “The Wrath of the Storms“// “The Symphony of the Wind

– “I adored the review I received for my short story collection. It was so refreshing to see someone had taken the time to really get into my writing, understanding beyond what was simply on the page and beginning to understand me as a writer. Their assessment was fair, helpful, and thorough and their insight was some of the best I’d come across. This is exactly the type of feedback every author dreams of receiving.”

Book Reviewed: “Errors

Matthew Johnson
“Finding outlets to review your book can be a daunting challenge for indie and small-press authors, which is why I am especially grateful for Julio Carlos’ “Honest Review.” Without hesitancy and with great enthusiasm, Julio reviewed my poetry collection, “Shadow Folk and Soul Songs,” and I was humbled to read the critical analysis and insight he gave my book. I especially enjoyed the friendliness Julio demonstrated when we were in contact and the fact that he seeks out indie authors who may not have the largest platform. I found Julio to be exceedingly professional and flexible throughout the reviewing process, and I could not be more pleased with the time and dedication he gave me.
Books Reviewed: “Shadow Folk and Soul Songs

More From Julio Carlos:

Scribble’s Worth E-Mag ( is a short online magazine packed with writing tips, resources, and information that will be ultimately useful for Indie Writers.

From how to get along with other writers, the publishing market, to how to query, we will find all the relevant information and deliver it to you on a monthly basis.

Here’s the August Edition, Free for download:

Scribble’s Worth Book Reviews:


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