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Hi, I’m JJ Barnes. I am the creator of the The Table Read.
In it’s original incarnation, The Table Read was my creative writing advice blog. I wrote words of encouragement and support for the writing community, with lessons and tips to improve their writing experience. I wrote about my own career and what I have learned. To make my advice as accessible as possible, I referenced pop culture as examples.
As time went on, my blog grew more of a following. Soon, I started to branch out from my initial posts. I began interviewing other authors about their work and exploring different aspects of story.
Quickly, I realised that, on that little blog, I had the potential to grow into something special. I’ve already worked with a lot of independent creatives thanks to my work with Siren Stories. I know how much knowledge and passion there is for story out there in the world. Knowledge and passion that I can help share with those who would love to read it.
I migrated all the blog posts over to The Table Read, and launched on June 19th 2021.
With the platform I have been developing, there is an opportunity for other creatives to reach new audiences. To share their thoughts and ideas about art, creativity, performance, writing and the stories that inspire them, and promote their own work to new readers.
The Table Read is how I hope to do just that. In my role as editor I will both continue to write, but also find new and exciting voices to share with you. Every writer who contributes to The Table Read will have not only a passion for the work of others, but something exciting of their own to share with you.
The energy I want to create at The Table Read is one of positivity. I want this to be a celebration of creativity, artists and writers. Creating is an incredibly vulnerable thing and takes immense bravery. At The Table Read I want us to embrace the opportunity to raise our co-creators up, rather than pushing our competition down.
Together we can discover new artists, celebrate old artists, and feel inspired in our own creative projects.
Thanks so much for coming with me on this exciting new journey. It’s going to be a lot of work, and I know we are starting small, but we can grow. And together, The Table Read community can help get more stories out into the world!
JJ x
Find more on my website: www.jjbarnes.co.uk
Follow me on twitter: @JudieannRose
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/jjbarnes
Email me: jjbarnes@thetableread.co.uk
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