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On The Table Read, “The Best Book Reader Magazine in the UK“, Alison Clarke of Juni Learning shares her top 5 tips for how parents can teach their children the joy of writing.
Written by Alison Clarke
As a parent, you know how important it is to stimulate and support your kids in all areas of their development. One of the most essential life skills for kids is writing. It’s essential for success in both school and their eventual workplace. But left to their own devices, most kids will choose to play video games or watch TV rather than write.

They may say that they hate writing but what if they don’t know how to enjoy it? That’s why it’s so important to teach them about the many joys of writing! Whether it’s a heartwarming reflection on childhood memories or a heartfelt poem capturing what they’re feeling at the moment, writing has the power to touch us in a very deep and meaningful way.
In this article, we’ll explore our five favorite ways to teach your kids the joy of writing.

Start a Writing Journal Together
By writing together, parents can model the behavior they want to encourage, and kids can begin to see the value in writing about their thoughts and feelings, which can help them learn about emotional intelligence from a young age.
As kids continue to share their thoughts and feelings with their parents, they will also learn to express themselves more clearly and effectively. In turn, parents will gain insight into their children’s inner lives.
This activity also provides a great opportunity for parents to give feedback and encouragement. When kids see that their writing is valued, they’re more likely to enjoy the process and see the value in it.
Journals don’t have to be fancy—a simple notebook will do. Just start by sitting down with your child and brainstorming ideas for journal entries together. Once you’ve got a few ideas, let your child choose one to write about.
If your child needs a bit more pizzazz to get started, try using stickers, washi tape, or other colorful embellishments to make the journal more fun. You can also try writing in different colors of ink or pencils.
Share Favorite Quotes or Passages That You Love.
When you come across a beautiful sentence or paragraph in your reading, stop and share it with your kids. Talk about what makes the words special to you. This is a great way to show kids that writing can be artful, transporting, and life-changing.
Who knows? They might grow up to love the same books you do—a dream for any bookworm parent.
Write Letters to One Another
Letter writing is a lost art. In this age of instant gratification, we often forget the joy that can be found in taking the time to sit down and write a letter by hand. It’s a simple way to slow down and connect with someone, whether it’s a friend or family member.
In today’s world of text messaging and email, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasure of receiving a handwritten letter. A well-crafted letter can communicate thoughts and feelings that might be difficult to express in person. It can also provide a tangible reminder of a loved one’s affection.
For children, learning to write letters can be both fun and educational. In addition to helping them practice their grammar and handwriting, it also teaches them about the importance of clear communication.

Also, writing letters to parents or other relatives can help kids feel connected to loved ones who live far away. So the next time your child complains about having to write a letter, remind them of the many benefits that come from putting pen to paper.

Write Stories Together (or Alternate Writing Chapters of a Book)
To teach kids storytelling skills, have them help you write a story, particularly if they’re hands-on learners. You can start with a prompt, or come up with the plot together. As you write, explain why you’re making the choices you are. For example, if you’re introducing a new character, talk about how they fit into the story and what role they’ll play. This is also a great way to teach life skills to kids by having them help with the planning, organization, and execution of a project.
If you have an older child who is interested in reading and writing but isn’t quite ready to tackle a whole story on their own, try alternate writing chapters of a book.
It’s especially fun with a choose-your-own-adventure style book. Write the first chapter together, then let your child write the next one. Take turns writing chapters until the story is complete. As you read through the finished product, you can talk about why each person made the choices they did and how the story might have been different if someone had chosen differently.
Design and Self-Publish a Book
So you’ve written dozens of stories with your kids. What’s next? Why not give them a taste of what it’s like to work as a real author by designing and self-publishing a book together? This is a great way to teach kids about the process of writing, editing, and publishing, and offers a glimpse into the life of a professional writer.
Self-publishing today is much easier than it used to be, and many platforms make it simple and affordable. Once you’ve published your book, you can even order copies to give to grandparents and other family members.
Seeing, smelling, and feeling the finished product in their hands is a great way for kids to understand the joy and satisfaction that comes from writing. Plus, they’ll be proud to show off their work to everyone they know!

The Joy Of Writing
Writing is all about taking something intangible and translating it into tangible form. Whether your child loves describing their favorite animal or painting an imaginary picture with words, there are countless opportunities for exploration and discovery when we encourage our children to pick up a pen and get writing!
By helping them recognize the beauty of written communication, we can help instill in them a lifelong love for storytelling and wordplay that will be with them always. So go ahead – give your kids all the tools they need to experience the pleasures of writing for themselves! They’re sure to appreciate everything you do for them, today and in the years to come.
If you want to learn more, check out The Table Read, which features several writer interviews that provide insight on the process and benefits of writing, as well as resources for writers of all ages.
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